
  • Usually babies begin teething in the 6th month, but may also be earlier (month 5) or later (July - August). However, when teething, most children often have symptoms such as drooling, anorexia, fussing, difficulty sleeping, sucking on fingers, and like to bite solid objects. Sometimes the child may ...
  • Iron is essential for the human body. Saying that free iron doesn't mean it's free to move around in body fluids. Iron is closely linked to every biological molecule so it attaches to cell membranes, nucleic acids, proteins, etc. The drug contains iron In animals, iron binds in heme complexes - an ...
  • Also known as winter melon [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.], The zucchini can use many parts to make medicine: Fruit meat (frozen through the flesh: the part between the skin and the flesh). fruit skin (frozen through the skin), squash seeds (frozen through the skin). According to traditional ...
  • Cholecystitis is a common disease caused by gallbladder stones. If left untreated, the disease progresses and progresses to cholecystitis, gallbladder obstruction ... Agree to describe this disease in the categories of "rape, happiness, royal family". The reason is that the greedy atmosphere, low ...
  • In his culinary experience, his father skillfully used many spices with very good curative effects, including mint. According to Oriental medicine, peppermint is spicy, cool, aromatic, has the function of dissipating heat, reducing fever, decongesting, curing headaches, helping digestion, abdominal ...
  • Stop drinking milk and dairy products If dairy products cause you to have gas, then your body has lactose intolerance. Therefore, switch to low-lactose foods like yogurt, hard cheese or lactose-free dairy products. Pay attention to fruit selection Berries, grapes and citrus contain almost equal ...
  • Q: I have crusted itchy crusts on my sides. See a doctor who says he has autoimmune skin disease DH. Please ask, how is autoimmune skin disease DH? (Tran Vu Minh - Quang Ninh) Reply: Autoimmune skin disease DH is the abbreviation for Duhring - Brocq disease, arising due to factors: genetics, ...
  • Patients often hide that they are epilepsy, a disease that is also discriminated against by society. Epilepsy is an abnormal electrical discharge in neurons. This is a fairly common pathology, for example, in Europe one in every 1,000 people has epilepsy, of which one in every two is children. ...
  • Question: My mother has lower back pain, shoulder pain spreading down her arms, and numbness in her arms. See a doctor who diagnoses spinal cord spines and prescribe medication. Please ask the doctor, is the case of surgery and postoperative disease cured forever? (Le Thanh Truc - Ninh ...
  • Both ancient buffaloes, including branches, leaves, fruits and resins, have been used as medicine for a long time in traditional medicine and folk experience. Branches: Collect in the summer in old branches without flowers, take away the leaves to separate, dry or dry. When used, chopped, copied ...
  • A cup of coffee in the morning helps you to enjoy mental excitement and reduce stroke. Especially coffee grounds are extremely useful in beauty care and thousands of other benefits. With the main ingredient of coffee grounds, just need to mix with some other materials, you will have special ...
  • Eczema is known by a different name than eczema. The treatment in general is not difficult, can be carried out in general hospitals. The important thing is the patient's care to not recur. Itchy skin is a typical sign Usually, the skin diseases are usually manifesting itching. But in eczema, signs ...
  • Peppermint, also known as male mint, scientific name is Mentha arvensis L, belongs to the lip family (Labiatae). Part used for processing is the entire tree rooted. Cut short about 3cm or use the leaves collected when the trees are about to flower to dry in the shade (canopy), can also be used ...
  • Schisandra, also known as mystical, Schisandra, black pepper… Scientific name is Schisandra chinensis (Turcz) Baill. Parts used to make drugs are fruits and seeds. Chemical composition: in Schisandra with essential oils, derivatives of lignan group, vitamins C and E ... According to Oriental ...
  • Apples and pears are two types of natural cosmetics suitable for all skin types. The rich content of organic acids in apples, and the high iron and vitamin C content in pears promote metabolism, improve cells, help skin white, pink, smooth Recipe for apples Material: - 1 green apple. - 5 green ...