Learn About Epilepsy

Patients often hide that they are epilepsy, a disease that is also discriminated against by society.
Epilepsy is an abnormal electrical discharge in neurons. This is a fairly common pathology, for example, in Europe one in every 1,000 people has epilepsy, of which one in every two is children.
People only truly diagnose epilepsy as having recurrent episodes. These episodes correspond to an abnormal discharge of neurons located on a small or large area of the cerebral cortex

Symptoms vary according to the location and area of the affected brain area. Many possible causes may be the source of these seizures, such as tumors, post-traumatic scarring, all kinds of deformities, but also genetic factors.
What are the different types of seizures?
There are two main forms:
- The first: is a general seizure, in which neuron discharge is widespread
The seizure begins with an instant loss of consciousness lasting a few minutes, the patient falls suddenly, falls with the whole body, increases salivation, and has convulsions in the limbs.

Learn About Epilepsy

In other general seizures, there is less damage, resulting in a sense of unconsciousness for a few seconds or a brief twitch of the limbs.
- Second: localized seizures, with symptoms corresponding to the affected area, such as visual disorders, hallucinations, involuntary movements, and absenteeism that last for several minutes for some patients, with total behavioral mastery, thus leading to severe disability when the attack is frequent.
What are the warning signs of seizures?
There are people who start with a small seizure moment before the attack gets worse. If there is enough time (about 10 minutes), a fast-acting medication can sometimes prevent an attack. But most patients do not have any warning signs, so need a regular treatment.
What are the classical treatments and their indications?
There are many antiepileptic drugs with different effects but the purpose is the same, which is to prevent the manifestation of symptoms. It must be confirmed that no medicine can cure the disease

Oral medications allow seizure control in about 60% of patients.

Learn About Epilepsy

Thus, for the remaining 40% of patients, more effective medications are needed..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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