Surely many people will not be surprised to answer the question: Will elderly people suffer from malnutrition? Some people say no because in this modern civilized life, most of the family nutrition is concerned like that, so there is no problem of malnutrition in the elderly. But it is a mistake ...
According to the latest research by the Association of Finnish health care, taking the drug with warm water is better for the intestines and helps the drug promote its effects more effectively than using plain water. Many people who have the habit of taking whatever pill, powder, pupa ... do not ...
Q: I really like eating pickled pickles with boiled meat. But I heard many people say not to eat much because it is not good for health. Please Doctor, is this true? (Le Quoc Ninh - Thanh Hoa) Answer: Pickles are salted in too short a time, the pickle environment is not acidic enough to inhibit ...
Question: I am 27 years old, my health is normal, but for a few months now, when I sleep, I often feel like something is heavy, I cannot move, I have difficulty breathing, sometimes I see scary pictures. . Please ask if it is a shadow phenomenon? How to overcome this phenomenon? (Nguyen Van - Hai ...
Q: What are the signs that a child has scoliosis, doctor? How to prevent this for children? (Hoang Trang - Nam Dinh) Reply Normally, the child's spine is aligned when viewed from the neck to the back and waist. Horizontal: The spine is slightly arched at the back and normally arched at the ...
Hidden testicles are a common anomaly in young children but most are only hidden on one side. This condition can cause infertility and testicular cancer. Doctor Pham Duc Thinh, Director of Hopital Hospital, said that the hidden testes accounted for 33% of premature babies, 3.4% of full-term ...
By the age of 20, bones can absorb and store the calcium needed for body growth and maintain other functions. After that, the body needs more calcium to build strong bones. So if we don't provide enough calcium, our bones will be hollow and brittle. Bones make up 99% of the body's calcium. When the ...
Q: ‘My wife has had a low back pain for months now and has been diagnosed with a uterine tumor and had a hysterectomy. I want to ask why is uterine tumor causing back pain? ’. Reply: Back pain includes many pain sensations and is caused by many different causes: - Local pain: Due to stimulation ...
Seeing a 10-year-old boy's abdomen showing a hard tumor, Ms. Ninh (Hai Duong) hurried to take her child to the examination. The doctor said he had a malignant tumor, a complication of testicular hidden disease. According to Dr. Pham Duc Thinh, Head of the Pediatrics Department, Hopital General ...
The weather changes season, cold days are also the time when the flu is raging. When mothers and people around the baby get the flu, what is the most concerned mother how to prevent the baby from getting infected? What is flu? Influenza is caused by a virus and usually appears at a time of season, ...
Rickets in children often occur mainly under the age of 3 years. The disease makes bones soft, porous, and deforms bones that affect the development of children. Cause children with rickets Rickets is a disease caused by a disorder of vitamin D metabolism or deficiency of vitaminD. There are many ...
According to statistics, the rate of deafness in people over 65 is 30-50%. This is the result of physiological changes, related to the degeneration of blood vessels in the elderly ear, cochlear disease development and decreased physiological function. After years of researching this issue, some ...
Pumpkin is also known as pumpkin, barley, or male over. Pumpkin is a plant that is both used for food and medicine, grown in all regions of our country. All parts of the pumpkin plant such as young leaves, tops of buds, flower buds and young fruits can be used as very tasty and nutritious ...
Hidden testicle (THA) is one of the common diseases in general pediatrics, when the testes are not in the normal position in the scrotum, but in different positions such as superficial inguinal, deep inguinal or in the abdominal cavity. Hypertension is common in ages: newborn 3 - 5%, 3 years 0.8%, ...
When the weather gets cold, the human body is less adapted to cold temperatures, its resistance decreases, so it is easy to suffer from respiratory diseases. So we need to understand the preventive measures to protect our health, especially the elderly and children. Prevent seasonal flu The weather ...