Take A Lifetime Calcium Supplement

By the age of 20, bones can absorb and store the calcium needed for body growth and maintain other functions. After that, the body needs more calcium to build strong bones. So if we don't provide enough calcium, our bones will be hollow and brittle.
Bones make up 99% of the body's calcium. When the daily diet is inadequate, calcium is transferred from the bones into the bloodstream to maintain a constant level of calcium in the blood

Therefore, the bone will be thin and weak. A regular supply of calcium throughout life is essential for achieving peak bone mass and maintaining bone health.
How much calcium is needed?
Calcium is a major mineral component of the skeleton
Eating enough calcium will help build healthy bones in your child and prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Take A Lifetime Calcium Supplement

Peak bone mass will decline if the diet lacks calcium. There is scientific evidence that eating and drinking calcium deficiency causes bone loss, low bone density and increased fracture rates.
According to research by the National Institute of Nutrition, the average daily calcium intake of Vietnamese people is 482mg. Even in the US, most people don't eat enough calcium.

- In people over 65 years of age, calcium intake is only about 600mg / day, while it is necessary to supplement at least 1,200mg / day, even larger in some necessary cases. Note that not all the calcium you eat is how much you absorb.
- The body needs how much calcium each day depends on the needs of the body from time to time

Adults need about 1,000mg of calcium daily.

Take A Lifetime Calcium Supplement

In certain stages, the body needs more calcium than normal. Adolescents, especially women, need about 1,200-1,500mg / day.
With the normal diet of Vietnamese people, it needs to supplement about 500-1,000mg calcium daily. This is required if the body is in a period of high calcium intake.
- Pregnant and lactating women also need 1,200-1,500mg / day to build the fetus' bones and provide calcium through breast milk for babies.
- Menopausal women need 1,000-1,500mg / day because the ovaries stop producing estrogen, reduce calcium absorption and increase bone loss. Elderly people over 65 need 1,500 mg / day because of their reduced ability to absorb calcium at this age.
When the daily diet does not provide enough calcium, you can take 500mg calcium tablets 1-2 times / day to prevent calcium deficiency.

Take A Lifetime Calcium Supplement

According to a report from the National Institutes of Health calcium conference, the daily dose of 2,000 mg of calcium is safe for the average person. There is no scientific evidence that a calcium dose of less than 1,500 mg / day affects the kidneys. The safe limit of total daily intake of calcium is 2,500mg.
Calcium content in some common types of calcium tablets: calcium sandos 500mg / tablet, calcium vita 200mg / pill, chewable calcino: 180mg / capsule, ossopan: 129mg / capsule, calcium corbière oral solution: 10ml (90mg / tube) , effervescent calcium corbière: 82 mg / capsule…
Do not take calcium in any case?
Do not take calcium drugs when hypercalcemia; severe urine calcium increase; a history of or being suffering from calcium stones (kidney stones, gallstones, pancreatic stones ...); severe renal impairment. Avoid using high doses of vitamin D while taking calcium, except in special cases.

Take A Lifetime Calcium Supplement

Although calcium alone is not enough to build a skeletal framework and prevent osteoporosis, providing the body with these micronutrients is an essential first step to building strong bones. Adequate calcium intake is important at any age..

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