
  • Doctor, when can you start weaning babies? How should weaning work? The mother should note what, please the doctor for further guidance? Doctor Dinh Thac, Children's Hospital 1, answered: Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrients for the development of babies, but then it is time to wean the ...
  • There are many newborns or a few months old with many 'buffalo shit', which manifests as very thick horny patches on the scalp that cause itchiness and discomfort. There are cases where when bathing, take a hard to scrub your child gradually will end. But there are also cases where the child does ...
  • The head of the horse also had other names: tympanous, phap ma-lam. A kind of herb, height from 50 80cm, few branches. The cylindrical body is hard, knurled, green, sometimes with purple spots, hard hairs. Staggered, heart-shaped leaves - triangular, uneven tooth edge; hairy leaves on both ...
  • Vaginal medication is a fairly common form of gynecological treatment, but should not be used without careful examination. Improper use, improper use will not be effective but also harmful. The medicine set - The type that contains estrogen hormone: Estrogen causes the vaginal lining to grow, the ...
  • As soon as your baby is sick and there are signs of anxiety, you should quickly take your baby to the doctor, do not rely on the thermocouple results because the thermocouple is sometimes not the right way for dad I know if the fever is serious or not. The following signs are considered dangerous ...
  • Fever is a very common symptom in children. Young mothers are often very worried when their baby has a fever and are confused about what to do. What to do when a child has a fever? With a moderate fever of 38-38.5 degrees Celsius, the child's body can tolerate but with a high fever of 39-40 degrees ...
  • What should abstain after caesarean section to heal wounds quickly and leave no sequelae is a question that many women are concerned because caesarean section creates large invasive on the mother's body, if the infection will be very dangerous. How long does it take to abstain from women having a ...
  • Many moms often tell each other that they should give yogurt when they have diarrhea. Is this true? There is a scenario that almost every mother and baby encounter: A child is diagnosed with pneumonia and is prescribed antibiotics for a few days by a doctor. A few days later, her condition ...
  • When you see Mud, it's just Mud Enlightenment and then see in Mud with Sen When looking at money is just money Enlightenment and then see the money in the mind. Lotus seeds have a sweet, calm, nutritious sedative properties; bitter lotus mind, treat delirious high fever, high blood pressure; bitter ...
  • During pregnancy, to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a good birth, mothers should have a prenatal check-up and follow-up visit on schedule. Besides antenatal care, doctors will guide appropriate nutrition supplements as well as perform necessary tests and screenings. Methods of antenatal care during ...
  • After giving birth, do you need to abstain from bathing, have your teeth brushed right away, how long you can go out, eat something to benefit the milk or how long after birth, will you be able to get back to your husband and wife activities ... are the questions of many special women especially ...
  • Colds are quite common in infants, especially during intermittent weather. Babies can get sick for quite a few weeks with symptoms of cough, runny nose, and sore throat. Common causes Colds are viral infections. When a child is infected with a virus, if the body does not have immunity against it, ...
  • The experience of oral transmission during pregnancy has been handed down over many generations and is widely applied so far. So, are these ideas scientific? how does damage really work and how to evaluate true and false? Listen to the experts answer: Climbing the stairs to help babies get into ...
  • In the process of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers faced with extremely uncomfortable nasal congestion. Nasal congestion is a common disease but it is dangerous for pregnant women because it can affect the fetus. Causes of stuffy nose during pregnancy There are many causes of stuffy nose for ...
  • Today, papaverin's designation differs from before. If you do not know this information, the use of medication will not be effective and may cause a catastrophe. Papaverin is an active ingredient extracted from opium poppy, but only has anti-spasmodic effect, so it reduces pain of spasms without ...