
  • I am 40 years old this year. I have a wife and have 2 healthy sons, the eldest is 9 years old, and the young ones are over 2 years old, my relationship is normal but when I ejaculated recently I had a light pink like fish blood. like a boil. I went to Hopital General Hospital, the doctor gave me ...
  • I am 26 years old and have been pregnant for more than 3 months. I didn't have any vaccinations before I was pregnant. I heard that if you do not get vaccinated, if you get pregnant, you will get sick if you get pregnant and it will be very dangerous, especially for fish with viral infections. I ...
  • I discovered gallstones, now very small, without any complications. But I heard that if you don't eat properly, the stones will grow quickly and may require cholecystectomy. So please tell the doctor, gallstones should eat like? (Trinh Van Tan - Thai Nguyen) Reply By location, gallstones are ...
  • Some women have an early miscarriage with no known cause, and some even do not realize their pregnancy. How to avoid this situation? The cause of early miscarriage There are many causes of early miscarriage in the first trimester. 80% of cases are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. These ...
  • I have rheumatoid arthritis, every season comes with unbearable pain. I have applied many treatments but the disease did not go away completely. Recently I learned that people with diseases like me who regularly take mud baths will have a marked decrease and will be able to recover completely, ...
  • Regarding the pathogenesis of migraine, there are two distinctly different phases: the seizure phase and the headache phase resulting from cerebrovascular dilatation. If misdiagnosed easily leads to improper treatment worsening the disease, there is a risk of life-threatening illness. Recognizing ...
  • The onset of acute laryngitis is usually caused by a rhinitis, or rhinitis - throat discharge, sometimes after a cold with hoarseness or sudden loss of speech (in addition, Maybe by talking or screaming ...). The disease is common in children, the elderly due to poor resistance, so it does not ...
  • Laryngitis according to the ancient medical literature is hoarseness or aphasia is collectively known as "pharyngeal". Cause: Due to prolonged sore throat, pharyngeal area swollen pain, cold. Infectious pathogens from outside come in, such as: leprosy, heat, etc. Symptoms: Hoarseness or loss of ...
  • Edges are wild plants that grow everywhere for ornamental purposes. The tree also has other names such as: wood spines, wood spines ... 5-leaf edema leaves, heart-shaped petioles, serrated margins, hairy surfaces on the underside. According to traditional medicine, edema leaves are used as ...
  • Women who are in good health, have no morning sickness and are tired during pregnancy, so it is not a problem to work every day. However, for many people, going to work during the pregnancy is very difficult. Health, mind, physiological and body changes make it difficult for women to stay "in ...
  • Sprains usually occur in the wrists, knee joints and ankles. Use the sprain treatment below to feel comfortable and reduce pain effectively. Tip 1: Apply cold ice to quickly eliminate pain. So, when you sprain you should apply ice to ease the pain. Tip 2: Warm the tamarind fruit (can be baked or ...
  • During labor, you will consume more energy than at any other time in your life. Therefore, try to increase your energy reserve when you are still in the early stages of labor by eating some snacks every hour. Thus, once your contractions become stronger, you will probably no longer feel hungry. ...
  • Rach fish is also known as copper creek, mud creek, a freshwater fish living in ponds, lakes, rivers and streams. The body is round, flattened on the sides, especially near the tail, about 15cm long. Small head, slightly round, small eyes, low mouth with a beard. The skin is thin, under the skin ...
  • In daily life, you sometimes encounter victims of injury or apnea, cardiac arrest for any reason such as drowning, asphyxiation, electric shock ... Before transporting the victim to a medical facility, you may be able to maintain life for the victim or assist the victim with first aid ...
  • Sprains are injuries of the joints, most commonly ligaments, often occur after a strong impact such as slipping while running or walking, due to falls, accidents, heavy labor ... Sprain is the situation like? The joints often injured sprains are ankles, knees, wrists, shoulders ... Patients do not ...