- With the summer's sunshine, your skin may have turned a charming brown. The makeup style will therefore have to be changed to match the new skin tone and celebrate this tough beauty. The most perfect makeup style will be orange tones and variations in the colors of cheeks, lips and eyes. Follow ...When you have to use an antibiotic many times, users rarely notice the side effects clearly. However, the accumulation due to continuous use over a long period of time will change the composition of beneficial bacteria living in the gut. That was published by researchers at Stanford University ...The following foods are more or less contraceptive. However, if you only rely on them to make family planning, you will be able to get unwanted pregnancy, because even the most modern methods of contraception are not 100% effective. The coffee According to the National Institutes of Health and ...Blood ejaculation (XTM) is a common symptom in the form of ejaculation disorders and it makes the person feel very nervous, although the cause is rarely the result of a malignancy. XTM is defined as having blood in semen, possibly semen with fresh blood fibers or dark brown mass of semen. Causes ...Rubella (German measles) is spread through the respiratory tract and is currently being warned by preventive health experts that a high likelihood of an outbreak is possible. When Rubella virus enters the body about 2-3 weeks, the patient is completely normal but then there will be 3 main ...The vinegar, heard to name its imagination of its characteristic sourness. In addition to making food more delicious, vinegar is also very effective for health. Whether you want to use apple cider vinegar, white vinegar or any other form of cider vinegar, this amazing liquid provides lots of health ...Ball many places called vi wire, the name of the drug is kim sa sa, the vines of the rhizome, always green. The pill is the leaf gills with dried spores. Bong ball sweet, cold. Assuming two primary schools and bladder. Has an anti-clinical effect, eliminates detoxification and low ...In back pain syndrome, in addition to spinal degeneration, there is another extremely important and dangerous cause that is spinal tuberculosis. The disease can be completely cured if detected early and treated promptly. How to detect disease? Tuberculosis of the spine mainly damages the disc and ...Deaf children cannot hear and cannot learn to speak. Deaf children are almost separated from people because they cannot hear, speak and lead to psychological disorders, poor social relations, poor and misguided life knowledge. The suffering of deaf children If you pay close attention, you will ...Silver brass also has other names are silver later, white flower behind, accept hypnosis ... Scientific name: Argyreia acuta Luor., Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae). The tree grows on the bushes, especially on the limestone hills of the Northern provinces, from Hai Van Pass. In addition to the above ...The kidneys are the main organ for drug elimination. Renal parenchyma is very sensitive to the drug. The drug can cause renal damage according to the mechanisms: reduced renal perfusion, direct toxic to renal tubular cells, interstitial damage, renal vascular occlusion, tubular obstruction and ...Treatment of herniated disc (disc herniation) with radio waves is a method applied in many neuroscience, spine in our country. However this is a medical technique with very limited indications. So not everyone can be effectively treated with this method. Using radio waves to treat herniated ...The disease is usually caused by 2 types of insects, moths and cavity ants. The disease is caused by skin contact with the moth larvae 'skin directly or indirectly through clothing or by the wind blowing on the skin, in the hairs of butterflies have histamine-like skin irritants causing acute ...Copy (Rana limnocharir Boie) folk names are ngÃen, chà * ng guy; The name of the drug is Ha ha, Trach hoa or oa, used mainly in folk medicine as medicine. People start to copy in early April to October, when the weather is warm, bring about cutting off the head, toes, skin peeling, then removing ...I am 48 years old, have irregular monthly periods and have symptoms or aches in joints, back pain, fatigue, tinnitus and forgetfulness, poor immunity, and sometimes my face is hot and burning. ... Recently during the treatment, the doctor gave a batch of 10 tablets of vitamin E. After that, he was ...