Medical Knowledge

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by bacteria entering the reproductive organs through the cervix. The risk of getting pelvic inflammatory disease increases when you have or are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. What is pelvic inflammatory disease? Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is ...
  • We always think, so make sure our "filters" are working effectively to "check the quality" of each thought and promptly reject any "unhealthy" thoughts. or "harmful". Exercise 1: Sit comfortably and relax. This allows you to slowly recall how you started your day. What thought first appeared when ...
  • Kidney failure is a dangerous disease because it not only damages the kidneys but also affects the overall health of the patient. Manifestations of kidney failure in women are the first signs to help women grasp the health situation to be able to see and treat promptly. What is kidney failure? The ...
  • Blood fat is a dangerous disease because it can cause terrible cardiovascular complications. Supplement foods to reduce blood fat daily to prevent and support treatment. Mung bean sprouts: helps to push cholesterol out Green beans are inherently a very good cholesterol reducing food, the price ...
  • The key to maintaining good health is a combination of many factors such as regular exercise, good diet, stress management, life-work balance, healthy relationships ... so Each person should note the following methods for a healthy health. Live positively People who live in pessimism between the ...
  • Bleeding when she was pregnant, Lien (Thanh Xuan, Hanoi) was told by her doctor to have a miscarriage and had a suction procedure. A few days later, she had severe abdominal pain, massive vaginal bleeding and was hospitalized for emergency surgery for an ectopic abortion. Not fully recovered after ...
  • Developmental disorders in children are increasingly receiving the attention of many parents. This syndrome is related to the issues of social skills, motor skills and language skills of children. What is developmental disorder? If one side is an autistic child and the other is a normal child, the ...
  • The body aches and pains, many people have a habit of using hot towels to apply to the sores. According to Oriental Medicine, warmth will certainly inform, pine will certainly not hurt. Authentic heating can reduce pain and protect your health When applying hot towels, choose clean towels, soak in ...
  • Shrimps, pork, lettuce and cruciferous vegetables are recommended by Eastern medicine during wounds to avoid bad scars. According to the doctor, the lesions are more or less leaving large or small scars, sometimes abnormal scars, concave, hyper-scarring, white scars, deep scars ... Keloids are ...
  • Calcium has 99% of bones and teeth to help the development and maintenance of these two organs work. It is only 1% present in the blood, soft tissue but has other important significance ... Demand and harm due to lack of calcium With the fetus, the newborn Each day of pregnancy needs at the ...
  • Abortion is common in the first weeks of pregnancy. The cause may be chromosomal abnormalities, blood type differences between the mother and the fetus or some maternal diseases. What is miscarriage? The fetus is still alive and developing inside the uterus of the mother but there are signs of ...
  • Smooth skin, silky hair, healthy heart ... is one of the great benefits that tomatoes bring to health. With the following 10 health benefits, you will find that tomatoes are not inferior to the panacea. What makes tomatoes attractive for health is lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant and is ...
  • In daily life, there are many bad habits that seriously affect the function of the liver and kidneys. Drink less water The vast majority of these errors are usually male. Men often drink less water than women, especially water, so the risk of kidney disease is very high. The body's waste products ...
  • Root bleeding is a common condition, which can be caused by excessive brushing or other dental diseases such as periodontitis, vitamin deficiency ... How is root bleeding? The gums around the bleeding tooth are called root bleeds. This condition is a warning sign of dental health in particular and ...
  • Hand sweating causes a lot of inconvenience to the sick, especially when having to communicate or write. Too much sweat can make the body dehydrated, lose salt, quickly tired. Cause of the disease Causes leading to sweating of hands and feet (increased sweating) are many types: emotions, due to ...