10 Diseases Requiring Hot Compresses

The body aches and pains, many people have a habit of using hot towels to apply to the sores. According to Oriental Medicine, warmth will certainly inform, pine will certainly not hurt.
Authentic heating can reduce pain and protect your health When applying hot towels, choose clean towels, soak in water at a temperature of 40 -50oC, take out and squeeze dry then apply on the spot. pain, in contact with skin, there is no burning sensation.
It is best to use a soft cotton towel, usually about 5 minutes instead of a towel, each time around 15-20 minutes, apply 3-4 times a day

. Hot towels have 10 health protection effects such as after:
1. Reducing eye fatigue: Using a hot compress can promote blood circulation around the eye area, reduce eye strain, and at the same time can alleviate dry eyes, also works to brighten the eyes.


10 Diseases Requiring Hot Compresses

Prevention of tinnitus, deafness: Put a towel over the ear or gently massage, so it can improve blood circulation in the ear, prevent deafness caused by anemia.
3. Improve dizziness, dizziness: Put a towel on the back of the neck, each time for a few minutes, so that can stimulate the acupuncture points of the posterior brain, can improve partially the symptoms of dizziness, dizziness, can also improve the ability to react and think.
4. Treating neck stiffness: People with mild neck stiffness can use a compress to apply to the stiffness and coordinate with the movement of the neck. Head slowly curved forward, gently moving in front of front, left and right.
Prevention and treatment of spinal disease: Spinal diseases in the early stages such as stiff neck, aches and pains, or after getting cold feel a little soreness, you can use a hot compress to improve the above symptoms, promote Blood circulation, alleviate muscular spasms, prevention of spinal disease.

10 Diseases Requiring Hot Compresses

6. Reduce chronic back pain: Back pain when using hot compresses can relieve pain symptoms if the situation is too serious you should immediately go to the hospital for examination.
7. Reduce pain in the buttocks: Buttock muscles stiffen in half due to inactivity, prolonged sitting or stretching. At this point, grab a towel and apply it to the sore, which can help ease the soreness.
8. Cure dysmenorrhea or abdominal pain due to cold: Women with dysmenorrhea or abdominal pain due to flax can use a hot towel to apply to the abdomen, so it will work to neutralize hematoma, ventilate and reduce pain.

10 Diseases Requiring Hot Compresses

Injuries due to falls: When the athletes are injured, they should not apply hot towels immediately. After 2-3 days of injury, if there is no bleeding or swelling, then a hot towel may be applied to relieve soreness.
10. Stiffness due to injection: Gently put a compress on the swollen area and pet bottle caused by multiple injections, 30 minutes each time, applying pressure and massage gently to help blood circulation in the hardened area and accelerate the absorption receptor of the drug.
The doctor recommends that, when the wound is blistered, purulent or sores it is not appropriate to apply hot towels. When a broken bone is still bleeding, swelling should not use hot towels on the wound, should wait until the bleeding stops, swelling after 48 hours to apply hot towels. Acute abdominal pain of unknown cause and people with pinkeye are also not suitable for applying hot towels..

10 Diseases Requiring Hot Compresses

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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