Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

Bleeding when she was pregnant, Lien (Thanh Xuan, Hanoi) was told by her doctor to have a miscarriage and had a suction procedure. A few days later, she had severe abdominal pain, massive vaginal bleeding and was hospitalized for emergency surgery for an ectopic abortion.
Not fully recovered after the recent 'death', Ms. Lien, 35 years old, said that the couple had an 8-year-old child and are trying to have another child. A few weeks ago, when she tried to stick two bars but found that the area was bleeding, Ms

. Lien went to a private clinic in Pho Vien 103 (Ha Dong, Hanoi), the doctor concluded that the fetus was 6 weeks old but miscarried. and do suction procedure.
After the abortion, seeing that the vagina still produces pink fluid and a lot of abdominal pain, Ms
Lien called the clinic to answer that it was a normal phenomenon, no problem.

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

However, the pain was so intense that she went to the doctor to check again. Here, the woman who had a previous abortion took her to the ultrasound room and confirmed that her uterus was completely normal, just left a little pink fluid and conducted a second suction to clean. Returning home a few hours later, Lien fell into a coma due to severe abdominal pain and massive vaginal bleeding so her husband was taken to the Construction Hospital near her home.
The results of the examination and ultrasound at this hospital showed that she had an ectopic pregnancy and the fetus was broken, the blood was full of belly. Doctors immediately gave emergency surgery to Ms. Lien. 'They said, if I arrived 15 minutes late, I could not save my life', Ms
Lien said.

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

Having abdominal pain and bleeding after suctioning, the doctor still could not identify Ms. Lien who was pregnant outside the womb so she had to perform a suction procedure and give this prescription. According to gynecologist Obstetrics and Gynecologist Nguyen Thi Thuong, Hopital General Hospital (Hanoi), ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy phenomenon, but it is easy to be missed because there are no signs characteristic initially. vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain. This is also a sign of some other complications during pregnancy such as abortion, threatened abortion ...
Ectopic pregnancy
The case of a 27-year-old patient from Dong Da, Hanoi who came to Hopital Hospital a few months ago is a typical example.

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

Having severe bleeding and abdominal pain, Ms. Tho went to the clinic because she thought she had a menstrual disorder or had digestive problems. On examination and ultrasound, the doctor did not detect any abnormalities in this woman.
However, from experience, she took a closer examination of her lower abdomen with her hand and found that there were ‘strange signs’ so she asked the patient to have a pregnancy test, although she was determined that she could not get pregnant because she still took birth control pills. After the positive pregnancy test, Ms. Thoa was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and was transferred to surgery at the Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuong, because ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous, if treated late, fetal rupture, heavy bleeding can lead to complications of infertility, even death, so when there are signs of doubt , doctors cannot easily overlook and must monitor patients closely.

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

'In the case of Ms Lien, the doctor may advise the patient to wait further or still perform a uterine abortion, but must advise carefully on the possibilities, including ectopic pregnancy, and ask patients to monitor themselves, if you see lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding must be examined immediately to be treated promptly, "said Dr. Thuong.
Doctors often say that some cases of early fetal suction, when an ultrasound image can be seen in the fetal sac, but the yolk sac has not been identified, it can also miss an ectopic pregnancy. Full of amniotic fluid. If the amniotic sac has not been found - a part of the embryo - it may be because the fetus has not entered the uterus, or it is a false sac - a sign of ectopic pregnancy or the fetus is dead ', she said. explain. The doctor emphasized that only when an ultrasound has a yolk sac in the amniotic sac can have an abortion, whether by medicine or any procedure.
'Women who see any abnormal signs such as abdominal pain, bleeding, missed period .

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

.. need a reputable medical facility to be examined and diagnosed correctly. Many cases of ectopic pregnancy mistakenly come to the cycle, menstruation, miscarriage ... leading to failure to promptly handle and encounter dangerous complications', the doctor recommended..

Mistaken For Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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