Children do not sleep enough to make mom worried. Many cases just for some reason make your baby sleepless at night. What I want now is that you wake up later the next morning. If your baby at home is experiencing the same situation, please apply the following simple tips to help your baby wake up ...
Question: My grandfather had tuberculosis and now my mother also has this disease. The speaker is inherited, the speaker is not inherited, but due to excessive labor. Please consult your doctor. (Hoang Van Lam - Hanoi) Reply: Tuberculosis is an infection caused by the Mycobacterium bacteria. The ...
These foods should not be eaten when fresh as they will produce many substances harmful to health. Jellyfish Jellyfish alive a lot of water, very thick jellyfish and toxins. The poison can only be released when it is soaked three times in salt water and alum. The jellyfish meat will then turn light ...
Question: I often get mouth ulcers, it takes more than a week. Please ask, is it a sign of a dangerous disease, Doctor? Vu Thi Hoa (Thai Nguyen) Reply: The sores in the mouth are usually white or yellow, surrounded by a red halo, appearing on the tongue, lips, gums or inside the cheeks. This is ...
The root of the root is also known as the tiger, the ventricle, activating blood, and the male king. Parts used to make medicine are roots and tubers. Collect tubers all year round, but preferably in the fall (August, September) ... According to Oriental medicine, the root of the root is sweet and ...
Question: I have had arthritis for a long time, the cold is the more painful the joints, especially the wrists, feet and ankles. I hear people tell me, using hot packs can reduce pain but I wonder what the effect of heat is? Should I use it? Pham Thi Tan (Quang Ninh) Reply: In folk, people often ...
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, accounting for over a third of all deaths, especially in menopause. Unlike men, women have major stroke, so up to 50% of women who have had heart disease never feel pain and have chest tightness. So women must do how to promptly detect ...
A liver functioning properly is essential for us. The liver helps detoxify the body and absorb nutrients from the food you eat. So, actually doing well and doing what you can to avoid liver disease or liver failure is quite important. Here are a few things you should do to maintain liver ...
A healthy diet is one of the best guarantees for human health but is sometimes forgotten. Sometimes women spend a lot of money to hold on to their youth and want to rejuvenate themselves with cosmetics or special skincare regimes. But they accidentally forget that a healthy diet is one of the best ...
Q: My child has chickenpox. I have followed my doctor's instructions exactly, but I still wonder how to care for him and how to eat them quickly. Looking forward to your further consultation. Ha Thanh Duong (Hoa Binh) Reply: Chickenpox is a common disease in children in the winter - spring. The ...
Parkinson's disease, also known as fibrillation disease, is a disease caused by deterioration of the nervous system. It is common in people older than 50 and the majority of men, with the incidence of 1/500. People with Parkinson's disease often have many difficulties in daily life and can lead to ...
Ovulation is a disease that indicates abnormal development of the placenta, has a negative effect on the fetus and the reproductive health of the mother, requiring early detection and treatment to prevent complications. What is fetal egg? Normally, after the sperm and the egg combine, the ...
Symptoms of numbness can be a manifestation of many diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, pinched nerves, impaired blood flow in peripheral blood vessels, and blood disorders. Most people suffer from numbness when sitting cross-legged for too long or sleeping when the body is lying down in an ...
Eating carrots will help the whole body health, especially important organs like eyes, skin, digestive system, teeth, especially in the winter. That's why this root has been popular in the world for thousands of years ... Here are the uses of carrots that you may not know. Preventing cancer Many ...
Diarrhea is a common disease but not everyone knows it well. Problems of diarrhea such as the cause of illness, symptoms ... will be addressed in this article. What is diarrhea? Diarrhea is defined as: the patient has defecation several times a day, mainly in loose, liquid or watery stools. What ...