How Long After Pregnancy Can Become Pregnant?
Ovulation is a disease that indicates abnormal development of the placenta, has a negative effect on the fetus and the reproductive health of the mother, requiring early detection and treatment to prevent complications.
What is fetal egg?
Normally, after the sperm and the egg combine, the fertilization will take place. After fertilization, the egg will move into the uterus and attach to the nest on the lining of the uterus, form the fetus and other appendages such as placenta and amniotic sac.
In the case of growing fibroblasts so quickly, the organization interconnects in the thorns together with the blood vessels not growing up and is degenerated, enlarged and edged into fluid-filled sacs, stick together like grapes, with a size of 1mm to a few dozen millimeters overwhelm the fetus and fill the uterus. This condition is called ovarian (pregnancy)
The fetus is divided into:
Complete fetal egg: No appearance of fetal organization, enlarged placenta, vascular hair follicles vanish, cell culture increases.
Partial fetus: still present in the fetus or 1 part in fetus The spines are mostly turned into water sacs, the rest are normal.
Factors that lead to egg formation
The cause of the egg pregnancy so far has not been found exactly, only the following influencing factors have been identified:
During the process of fertilization, there are errors of genetic factors leading to abnormalities in the chromosome set
Women who become pregnant late after age 40 or get pregnant early under age 20
Women who experience multiple births, have a history of abnormal first pregnancy, uterine abnormalities
Inadequate nutrition: a lack of nutrition such as protein, folic acid, vitamin A .
.. increases the rate of conception eggs
Symptoms of fetal egg
Women who are pregnant with eggs will have the following symptoms:
Delayed menstruation
Hemorrhage: the most common manifestation of fetal eggs, occurring a few weeks after a period. Vaginal blood comes naturally, blood is thin and has a dark bruise, which may be a little or a lot over several days.
Severe morning sickness: prolonged and severe vomiting, tired body, pallor, edema
Lower abdominal pain, abdominal pain
Increased blood pressure, proteinuria
The uterus is soft, enlarges faster than gestational age
When the pregnancy is not in the middle of pregnancy, the fetal heart is inaudible
If the whole egg will have anemia, the woman will appear tired, pale, pale mucosa, dizziness.
Signs of preeclampsia
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism: tachycardia, fatigue, sweaty clothes, trembling hands
Symptoms of fetal eggs are diverse so it is easy to be confused with obstetric diseases such as stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids .
Dangers of pregnancy eggs
Untimely diagnosed and treated pregnancies can lead to serious complications for women's health.
Causing vaginal bleeding that causes the body to become chronically anemic
When the egg is stimulated, leading to spontaneous miscarriage, the uterus will bleed a lot and the woman will be in a life-threatening shock of blood loss.
The fetus encroaches on the uterine wall, making it difficult for the uterus to become elastic, the risk of bleeding or easy omission, the placenta and the entire uterus
Malignant ovum still penetrates through the uterine layers, the uterus is punctured, leading to intense bleeding that floods the abdomen
When the egg is not completely cured, it will develop into fibroblast cancer that requires chemotherapy, making it more difficult to get pregnant again.
How to diagnose an egg?
Regular pregnancy checkups are the safest and fastest way to detect early pregnancy. There are two diagnostic methods available to detect ovarian pregnancy: image diagnosis and testing.
Diagnostic image (ultrasound): When the ultrasound will see images of snow or holes like honeycomb, visible cysts on both sides, no embryo (whole egg), part of vegetable cake is visible. abnormal (partial pregnancy)
Assay: The tests used are quantitative beta-hCG, quantitative estrogen and quantitative HPL (human placental lactogen)
Ultrasound to detect fetal eggs
Measures to treat pregnancy
Treatment of fetal eggs will be indicated by two methods: curettage and prophylactic hysterectomy:
The doctor will use a cervical dilator and a suction machine to suck eggs.
Then use a heart-shaped pliers, a large spoon and a blunt spoon to scrape back to avoid missing eggs
After the procedure, patients will be given antibiotics to prevent infections
Preventive hysterectomy
If the fetus has invaded the uterus or is at risk of complications, it will be indicated for prophylactic hysterectomy.
This method is only applied to women over 35, who have children or have combined uterine pathologies.
Tracking after egg curettage like?
After abortion, all tissue samples are sent for pathological examination to determine whether the fetus is benign or malignant.
Normally, uterine structure and physiology will return to normal after 3 to 4 weeks of abortion. In case the uterine egg is still large after abortion, the vagina will still bleed. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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