
  • Ask: After eating, I often have heartburn, very uncomfortable and guilty ... Please ask is there any way to limit this phenomenon? (Nguyen Van Long - Thai Nguyen) Reply Heartburn is a burning sensation in the lower chest, accompanied by a sour, bitter taste in the mouth and pharynx. The cause of ...
  • When it gets cold, because children are very sensitive to changes in outside temperatures, they often lead to a sudden drop in body temperature. This will also deplete the body's energy and facilitate the development of pathogenic viruses. However, this does not mean that children should not be ...
  • Not only helps skin beauty, tea also works to eliminate body odor very well. If before, you only knew how to apply tea bags to your eyes to reduce puffiness, then it is possible that the following beauty methods will help you take advantage of more uses from tea. Tea contains polyphenols that have ...
  • Your child doesn't like to eat vegetables? In addition to being patient, your child needs encouragement in many ways. Once at a friend's party, we met An Khue, 5 years old, the son of an employee of the company. He made everyone sitting at the table that day surprised because he ate very well and ...
  • IUD insertion is one of the contraceptive methods used by many women in both rural and urban areas. So how effective is the IUD? What should I be aware of when using an IUD to ensure its effectiveness and safety? IUD and the effectiveness of the IUD What is an IUD? An IUD is a plastic or copper ...
  • To give birth to a healthy, smart baby and protect the health of the mother, pregnant women should avoid the following 10 things in eating and drinking: 1. Skipping meals: when being pregnant, picky eaters, skip meals, thus will not create nutrition, affecting the development of the fetus. So, when ...
  • The cause to the illness There are many causes of sinusitis, such as inflammation, which causes the air circulation between the sinuses to become stagnant, the mucus in the mucosa of the sinuses secreted is not circulated, creating favorable conditions for the bacteria to grow. For bacteria, there ...
  • Tonsillitis is one of the common diseases in upper respiratory tract infections, especially in children. If acute or chronic tonsillitis is not detected, timely treatment will cause serious complications. Reason Tonsils are a two-volume lymphoid organization located on the side of the throat. ...
  • Let's look at the points and risks at different ages of pregnancy 20, 30, 40 ... to decide when you will have a baby. All experts say there is no specific time to build a family but there are pros and cons when you are pregnant at different ages. Here are the pros and cons of pregnancy by age that ...
  • In addition to nutritional values, breast milk also gives children a plentiful source of antibodies, helping children prevent disease in the first years of life. It is a sad fact that breastfeeding is getting less and less attention. Specifically in Viet Nam, in the last decade only, the percentage ...
  • Cold hands and feet, regardless of the weather, are a warning sign of physical health. You are not subjective with this situation. The cause of cold limbs - Circulatory system in the body is "malfunctioning": The ability of the heart to work also significantly reduced. Unstable blood circulation ...
  • The condition of the hair reflects the internal health of the body. Diseases and some medications can stop the hair's source of life, causing them to become dry and ‘die’ gradually. Explain the number of people suffering from hair loss is increasing. However, regardless of the cause, hair loss will ...
  • Back pain is a manifestation of many different ailments in the human body. But the most obvious, most common cause of back pain is spinal degeneration. And if people are born, grow up, and age, degeneration of the spine is also natural with age and years. It is important to know how to practice and ...
  • According to the aging of the body, the bone density of the elderly also decreases. As a result, even a small accident can cause old people to fracture. To overcome this situation, calcium supplements for the elderly through daily nutrition. Consequences of osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a systemic ...
  • Urinary tract defects are relatively common in pediatric pathologies. The disease causes urinary tract infections, failure and loss of kidney function, so it should be detected and treated early. In the past, these malformations were usually detected only when complications were present, but in ...