
  • Zinc is a trace element that is essential for body growth, especially for height growth. Without zinc, children will be shortened by an underdeveloped bone and hypogonadism. We would like to introduce to you the article about a scientific aspect to improve the stature. The importance of zinc for ...
  • When the weather turned cold, many people felt the feet, hands were always cold, icy, limbs were red or white, aching ... despite wearing warm, socks. This feeling is often seen in women, the elderly, dieters, malnutrition, poor resistance. Eastern medicine said that the limbs were cold due to weak ...
  • When entering puberty (female hexadecimal, male hexadecimal), for girls, the ovaries start to work, the body has a change in the sex hormones will appear menstrual cycle - blood from the uterus out. However, because the body is in a period of strong development, hormone levels are not stable, the ...
  • Vomiting is a symptom of many diseases. In Eastern Medicine, depending on the cause of vomiting, there is a reason for compatible remedies. In vomiting, Eastern medicine has many therapeutic effects such as Ngu linh rivan, Sinh depict the center of the ladder, Half lower center of the center, ...
  • Question: I often have the corner of my toenail. When I grow out, I stab into the flesh below causing pain and discomfort. Get advice from a doctor to help me fix this problem? (Dinh Van Huy - Ninh Binh) Reply Dear Huy, normally the two sides of the nail grow out of the sides and do not cause any ...
  • Ancient buffalo is a plant grown as an ornamental, shade and medicine. Other names: blister, snail snail, tear, pop pop. Scientific name: Ficus pumila L. Ancient buffalo has the effect of tonic, so many people use royal medicine in some prescriptions. Some ways to use the following: - Ancient ...
  • In his culinary experience, his father skillfully used many spices with very good curative effects, including mint. According to Oriental medicine, peppermint is spicy, cool, aromatic, has the function of dissipating heat, reducing fever, decongesting, curing headaches, helping digestion, abdominal ...
  • Stop drinking milk and dairy products If dairy products cause you to have gas, then your body has lactose intolerance. Therefore, switch to low-lactose foods like yogurt, hard cheese or lactose-free dairy products. Pay attention to fruit selection Berries, grapes and citrus contain almost equal ...
  • Question: My girlfriend, 24 years old, had recently been tested and tested at the hospital with hepatitis B. I heard that this is a dangerous disease because it can lead to liver cancer. Could you please explain the manifestation, transmission ways of hepatitis B and how to prevent it? (Nong Van ...
  • The five-prong packaging also has other names: bird's-foot, lintel, ginseng, smooth (Tày), tan (Thai), carrot (K’ho), square vengeance (Ba Na). Small trees, can be 2-8m high. Gray bark, small branches with holes. The leaves are propeller-shaped, alternate, with 6-8 leaflets, petioles long 8-30cm ...
  • Gallstones are within the bile ducts with small, large, or biliary stones located in the liver or outside the liver, in the gallbladder. The disease can cause biliary peritonitis, septic shock, gastrointestinal bleeding ... very dangerous. Two types of gallstones are often formed: cholesterol and ...
  • "Imported spare parts disease", housewives need to know how to preserve and process hygienic food to keep their families healthy. - The first rule is cleanliness: food handlers must have clean hands. Wash your hands before preparing food and handling food. Care should be taken to wash hands ...
  • Emphysema is the result of many respiratory diseases, mainly the lower respiratory tract, which can easily occur when the weather changes to cold. The disease is chronic, long-lasting and often has negative consequences when complications occur. Where to lead to emphysema? Emphysema is a disease ...
  • Emphysema (KPT) is primarily seen in adults but the elderly (NCT) account for the highest percentage. KPT is a disease of the lower respiratory tract, is a progressive, frequent and long-lasting lung disease due to inflammation, reducing the elasticity, even losing the ability to recover of the ...
  • Tuberculosis is usually caused by pulmonary tuberculosis that has been confirmed as corpuscles. Tuberculosis tuberculosis usually develops after pulmonary or skin tuberculosis. The forms of the disease have different symptoms and phenomena. Statistics TB less common. Typically, the patient is ...