How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

"Imported spare parts disease", housewives need to know how to preserve and process hygienic food to keep their families healthy.
- The first rule is cleanliness: food handlers must have clean hands. Wash your hands before preparing food and handling food. Care should be taken to wash hands properly under running water, with soap or hand sanitizer.
Dirty hands carry a lot of bacteria, germs during work and daily life

. Washing your hands after going to the toilet, cleaning children or handling animals is even more of a concern as these are the most exposed environments for bacteria. Washing all processed items: knives, cutting boards, pots, etc., and the surface of food preparation are important because it is the environment that makes food vulnerable to contamination

For rural families, pay attention to avoiding insects, pets and other animals.

How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

Even closed housing units need to pay attention to this because pets as pets can carry pathogens because they often snuggle in unsanitary places.
It is necessary to separate raw and cooked foods during cooking and processing. Separate meat, fish, poultry, seafood ... in certain locations in the containers for each type. Tools used for raw and cooked processing must be separated, such as knives, cutting boards, wash basins
Food reserves for the next day must be sealed.

How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

Do not put raw and cooked food together.
- The second principle is to cook food: an important factor to avoid pathogenic bacteria. Food must be cooked thoroughly, especially meat, eggs, fish and seafood. For meat, make sure the water in the meat after cooking is clear, not pink. Cook soup and stew the food must be really boiled. Reheat cooked food at boiling point, stir while reheating.

Some traditional dishes using raw food must be washed and disinfected with hygienic solutions such as salt water, potassium permanganate, ozone filter tanks ..

How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

. Generally should not be eaten raw, need to be cooked. drink boiling to prevent diseases of the digestive tract.
- The third principle: keep food at a safe temperature. Do not keep food at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Do not store food for too long even in the refrigerator. Do not thaw frozen foods at room temperature. Food for people with immunodeficiency is best prepared in a cool place and not stored after cooking.

How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

Many families now have refrigerators or freezers to store food.
However, it should be arranged appropriately, otherwise the cold environment will not kill the bacteria but only make them dormant, until they become exposed to the environment again. Moreover, the food left in the refrigerator is often not as fresh and attractive as other foods.
- Principles of safe use of water and food: an important factor to ensure prevention of intestinal diseases caused by bacteria such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhea ...
Use safe or safely treated water such as tap water, filtered well water. Absolutely do not use unsanitary water to process food.

How To Keep Food Safe And Hygienic

Choose foods that are fresh and not contaminated, do not use expired foods.
Sterilize or boil water before drinking. Wash vegetables and fruits with safe water, especially raw foods. Safe water helps people avoid dangerous diseases. Therefore, people should be encouraged to use hygienic water. Absolutely do not use water from ponds and canals to use as drinking water..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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