Tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is usually caused by pulmonary tuberculosis that has been confirmed as corpuscles. Tuberculosis tuberculosis usually develops after pulmonary or skin tuberculosis. The forms of the disease have different symptoms and phenomena.
Statistics TB less common. Typically, the patient is suffering from tuberculosis

. Tuberculosis bacteria spread into the throat with blood when the pulmonary tuberculosis enters a critical period or the tuberculosis combines with several immunodeficiency diseases (such as influenza, measles, postpartum, HIV infection).
Patients usually aged 20-40 years, with fever, uneven temperature, sweating like bathing, difficulty breathing, sharp pain in the ears, inability to eat and choking on the nose when drinking water. The patient is tired and is thin and fast
In the throat, there are particles like millet, lumpy, concentrated in rough, thick patches, when broken, leaving very dirty shallow sores.

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis

The prognosis is very severe
Chronic tuberculous tuberculosis is usually secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis. Patients who are currently suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis have been confirmed as corpus luteum tuberculosis. Manifestations: coughing a lot of cough, thinning, with tuberculosis bacteria in sputum, pulmonary lesions show damage to tuberculosis ...
Patients with sore throat, difficulty swallowing, nasal or hoarseness, often choking liquid, saliva flows a lot, flows out of the mouth without swallowing up; increasing painful swallowing condition. Mouth and throat are more saliva and sputum, foul, rotten
The mucosa of the pharynx is pale and scratched with shallow sores, gray bottom, very dirty.

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Lymph nodes are lumpy in chains, or swollen into masses, sometimes purified and leaking pus.
The disease progresses slowly, but if not treated promptly, lesions will eat away the tongue, tonsils, spread to the floor of the mouth, cheek mucosa. The patient gradually wears off and will die from tuberculosis.
Throat lupus always appears after face lupus or nasal lupus. The patient is usually female and has no pulmonary lesions. They have a feeling of tightness and burning in the mouth and throat, usually without pain. Examination of the pharynx reveals lumps of yellowish-gray specks, uneven shallow sores or deep, small needle-like ulcers. Less sore ulcers.

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis

The area of the ulcer later has a scar or stickiness in the pharynx, the tongue is deformed and adhered to the throat wall, causing disorders of the throat function, making patients uncomfortable frequently.
The prognosis is usually not severe, rarely fatal except for a few cases progressing to tuberculosis.
Primary pharyngitis usually is not very pronounced, just like regular tonsillitis. Patients with pallor, poor appetite, pale mucous membranes, cervical lymphadenopathy have characteristics of tuberculosis ...
To make a definite diagnosis, it is necessary to rely on a number of subclinical tests such as: blood sedimentation rate, Mantoux reaction, biopsy of the lesion and cervical lymph node with typical image of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is treated according to the general TB prevention regimen, combining good nose and throat hygiene with some medications (such as mild alkaline gargle to change the pH of the throat) or by ultraviolet rays, cool sparks , burn the electric cote .

Tuberculosis Tuberculosis


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