According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acute cerebral infarction is the 3rd leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and cancer. This is also the disease causing the highest disability in adults, making them a burden for the family and society. What is acute ...
Fact: Bacteria is not the culprit for the disease but a herpes 2. virus. This is a virus that develops in the mucosa of the genital area where genital herpes is a manifestation of the disease. This when XXX is not protected. The disease appears in both XX and XY. Herpes is very rare? Fact: If XXX ...
If you crave for smooth skin, the regular advice you get is to drink plenty of water. However, this is completely unproven. The advice to drink 8 glasses of water a day to have beautiful skin is a common advice, but has not been proven experimentally. Drinking water is good for health. This is not ...
How do the elderly drink milk best to ensure their health without experiencing dangerous consequences? Here are instructions on how to drink milk properly. When it comes to milk, most people only care about choosing milk for children. The questions related to how to drink milk for health are only ...
Another type is the scaly patches associated with erythema in places such as: eyebrows, behind the ears, cheeks, neck or armpits, groin is easily mistaken for a rash due to heat but is actually diagnosed as a disease seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is what disease? A common, chronic ...
Acute aspiration is a common disease, almost everyone has even had the disease has become chronic, difficult to cure. Sore throat is usually not dangerous, but persistent, annoying and uncomfortable for patients in communication and activities. What is acute gingivitis? Pharyngitis is an ...
Many patients drank alcohol intoxicated, when they fell asleep, covered with warm blankets and slept in a cold place. After waking up, coughing, fever, pneumonia are dangerous, even life-threatening. The harm of being drunk Dr. Nguyen Trung Cap, Deputy Head of the Emergency Department (Central ...
Tinea usually develops in areas such as the root of the nail, around the teeth, the lower abdomen, the vagina and the gap between the skin folds causing itching and burning. The disease can occur at any age. Yeast infections, also called candidiasis, occur in the vagina and can be transmitted to ...
During the last weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women should carefully monitor the changes of the body to detect early signs of labor and promptly go to health facilities to prepare for giving birth. What will happen before labor? During labor, the pregnant mother will encounter some of the following ...
Stomach pain in Eastern medicine is called a system administrator. People with stomachache often belching, heartburn, epigastric pain (on the navel), which is caused by acid-producing stomach, gas production, and stomach ulcers that cause pain. People with stomach pain should not use stimulants, ...
Sepsis in children is one of the dangerous pathologies. The majority of sepsis (NTH) is the result of the body's response to invasion of microorganisms or their composition. Along with the development of medicine, a large number of patients with immunosuppressive conditions have been cured such as ...
What are the signs that you are healthy? Let's find out in the article below: "Red light" is normal For women, the menstrual cycle is very important, a sign of ovarian health. Whether the long or short time or the "number" of more or less in the "red light" cycle is irregular, irregular, it means ...
An emotional intelligence (EQ) is your ability to understand and control your emotional language. Babies who can control their emotions are often sensitive to other people's expressions, they can easily empathize or share. This helps children have a rich inner life and can work better. EQ is very ...
Retrograde ejaculation is a condition of ejaculation that threatens reproductive health and can even lead to male infertility. Therefore, men need to learn about this phenomenon to timely prevent and treat disease effectively. Why does retrograde ejaculation occur? Retrograde ejaculation is the ...
Zinc is a micronutrients that play a very important role in the development of children. Therefore, zinc deficiency will cause many dangerous diseases. Clinical manifestations when zinc deficiency Mild and moderate zinc deficiency is quite common. Can be noticed on some of the following specific ...