Septicemia In Children

Sepsis in children is one of the dangerous pathologies. The majority of sepsis (NTH) is the result of the body's response to invasion of microorganisms or their composition.
Along with the development of medicine, a large number of patients with immunosuppressive conditions have been cured such as premature and extremely premature babies, patients with chronic diseases, and patients with invasive aids increase.
Therefore, the rate of NTH increased steadily at about 1.5% / year

. In addition, the situation of antibiotic resistance of bacteria also makes treatment more difficult. NTH can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi .

Septicemia In Children

Septicemia is relatively common in children
What is sepsis or NTH?
This is an extremely complex disorder that involves the activation of many different mechanisms, but overlaps and interacts with each other in the body when infected, such as inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and coagulation systems. and other systems.
Therefore, the definitions of RID and related syndromes in children are based on the following criteria and vary by age.
Sepsis (sepsis): Syndrome of inflammatory systemic response.
Severe sepsis: NTH presents with organ dysfunction, decreased blood flow or hypotension. Reduced perfusion and hypotension may include, but are not limited to, lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute mental state change.
Septic shock (septic shock): NTH with hypotension does not respond to adequate rehydration therapy, accompanied by perfusion perfusion such as lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute neurological condition change

Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS): There are signs of organ function changes in a patient with acute disease and homeostasis that cannot be maintained otherwise.

Septicemia In Children

There is adequate intervention
The cause of this disease is often caused by bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Heamophilus influenzae, E.coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas ...
Clinical symptoms of sepsis
Clinical manifestations of the disease with varying degrees of severity are characterized by the presence of at least 2 of the following symptoms:
Body temperature> 38 ° C or <36 ° C. Heart rate> 90 beats / minute (for children <3 months of age the heart rate> 140 beats / minute).
Breathing rate> 20 breaths / minute (for children <3 months of age> 60 breaths / minute or PaCO2 <32 mmHg). Peripheral blood leukocyte count> 12 000 BC / mm3 or <4000 BC / mm3.

Septicemia In Children

Signs of NTH are usually:
High fever or low temperature;
Tachycardia, tachypnea;
Leukocytosis increased;
Children urinate cold, urinate, urinate many times (urinary tract infections);
May also have bloody diarrhea (intestinal infection).
The first sign of sepsis is a fever that does not go away
Children are at high risk
Septicemia can occur in all children, especially in the condition of children with skin lesions such as dermatitis, pimples, gum disease, abscesses, pneumonia, diarrhea caused by intestinal bacteria. , meningitis…
The risk of disease is common in children who have not been vaccinated, malnourished, premature babies, children with immunodeficiency, receiving corticosteroids, children with congenital heart disease ...
Treatment of sepsis
Although, the mortality rate for NTH, especially patients with manifested organ failure is still very high, empirical studies as well as clinical trials over the years have opened new hopes for new More effective treatment map.
Successful management of NTH depends largely on early diagnosis, as well as timely treatment as soon as there is doubt. The current recommendations for the management of sepsis are based on the following principles:
Infection control:
Early removal of pathogens from the body is the first priority in the management of NTH.

Septicemia In Children

For example, intravenous antibiotic therapy should be started within the first hours after suspected diagnosis and after blood cultures are taken.
Surgical intervention to eliminate infection focus, remove the source of infection including drainage drainage, necrosis organization ... for each specific patient.
Immediately after obtaining accurate information about the pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to adjust antibiotics in the direction of using specific antibiotics to kill pathogenic bacteria and reduce drug toxicity.
Active resuscitation treatment:
Enhancing cardiovascular function, circulating in the early stages of NTH will significantly reduce mortality.
Use artificial ventilation early if the patient has acute respiratory distress syndrome, pay attention to nutritional status, prevention of deep vein embolism .

Septicemia In Children

Additional treatments:
Appropriate use of anti-inflammatory, anti-bleeding, anti-coagulant, hypertension drugs ... Attention should be paid to the later stages of this disease, appropriate management requires organ support and prevention of infection. Hospital coincidence.
New research directions targeting new impact targets, new mechanisms of action, and combination of therapies can improve patient prognosis.

Septicemia In Children

Children with sepsis should be detected and treated immediately
Prevention and treatment of sepsis
NTH is a grave.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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