
  • Hello Doctor. My name is Ngoc, I have a question that one month before I was tested for blood, I was diagnosed with dog roundworm infection. The doctor has prescribed for her to treat with Albendazole within 20 days. I have taken all the doses prescribed by the Doctor but my current problem is ...
  • Active ingredient name: Praziquantel. Brand Name: Distosis. Category: drugs that kill all types of helminths The effects of the drug Praziquatel Praziquantel is used to treat parasitic infections (for example, schistosomiasis and small liver fluke, cat parasite) .The treatment of parasitic ...
  • Urticaria or urticaria is a skin condition that manifests as dermatitis, skin allergies, and itchy rashes. The disease has many different causes, in which it is caused by helminth parasites that are less interested in people or difficult to diagnose but when properly diagnosed can cure the disease ...
  • Toxoplasma parasites will be able to attack the human body when we eat uncooked food or unwashed fruits or exposed to sandy soil, contaminated environment. In addition, Toxoplasma parasites can be transmitted from mother to child through the placenta and cause many dangerous complications, ...
  • What causes children to scream at midnight? Children usually sleep well in the morning until morning, some children wake up in the middle of the night demanding to drink or drink milk, drink water, some children wake up to urinate ... Your child is calm at that rhythm, but suddenly one night he is ...
  • Functional symptoms, entity when infected with large liver fluke - Skin itching, hives accounts for 82% - Dull pain in the right lower quadrant or fullness in the liver, sometimes severe pain. - Anorexia, indigestion, bloating, feeling of not being hungry - The body is tired, does not want to ...
  • Controlling Toxocara infection in dogs and cats will reduce the number of infectious eggs in the environment and reduce the risk of human infection. The trend of raising cats and dogs and taking care of them as their own child is liked by many people and children. If we do not know how to clean ...
  • Question: Last summer, I had a blood test and examination at a provincial hospital, and I got infected with strongyloidiasis and liver fluke. I bought the medicine and took it as directed and I didn't feel itchy anymore. The doctor told me to follow up again after 3 months, but I was pregnant so I ...
  • Question: I am 26 years old this year, I have been itchy for several months now, I went to see the province, was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, and the medicine did not subside. I think I have been infected by dog roundworm when it looks like I am infected, may I ask if it is very dangerous, dog ...
  • Hello doctor, in the area where I live, I keep a lot of dogs or go outside, sometimes I play at the door of the house and come close and direct contact with me, when my hands were covered with saliva of it, the doctor let me ask so I have larvae on my hands so I can catch dog tapeworms. My name is ...
  • I often suffer from digestive disorders, indigestion sometimes anorexia, sometimes abdominal pain, so I went to the test to check for small liver fluke. The doctor let me ask if the infection of small liver fluke is usually RLTH. My name is Tien. Hello Tien, thank you for your question. About ...
  • Hello doctor, let me ask my father to test at Thong Nhat Hospital, when he discovered a tapeworm. The doctor has given medicine but why is itching from the time of taking medicine to now, hope the doctor can help me? Thanks Doctor. Reply: Hello! Itching after taking dog flukes is a problem that ...
  • Our eyes are constantly in direct contact with the external environment, especially those working in the environment of dust, garbage, construction sites ... The eye mucosa is very sensitive, if not wearing protective goggles, Human eyes are susceptible to bacteria, viruses ... and parasites that ...
  • The doctor let me ask, what happens when a person gets tapeworm infection? I would like to consult a doctor to see if I have a tapeworm infection? And where to see the doctor for the most accurate results? Where to treat to ensure healing. Reply: Dog flukes are one of the parasites in the body. ...
  • Although helminth infection is a simple disease, it can lead to many dangerous and serious complications for young children. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the symptoms causing abnormalities in children for early detection and treatment. In our country, now children infected with ...