- In fact, there are some women who are allergic to her husband's sperm but there are still some gentlemen who may be allergic to their own sperm! Although this may seem strange, it can actually happen to some men. This phenomenon medical term called it the post-ejaculation syndrome (POI). Just like ...You often suffer from morning sickness and feel tired? Scientists have sought remedies to help mothers cope with the early stages of pregnancy. The feeling of nausea or even vomiting when smelling or seeing food is a common occurrence in early pregnancy. And although this is called morning ...Many mothers wonder, even though the baby's diet has many vegetables, fiber ... but the baby is still constipated. Even those babies who are in the period of breastfeeding also experience severe constipation? The main reason is due to mistakes in the diet. Not eating enough daily food, lacking ...I had a stomach ache for about 7 years, when I first got sick I often had pain in the abdomen. Recently, I have less pain, but I have indigestion and frequent burping, especially after eating and going out often. Can the doctor show me how to treat this disease. I feel so miserable when I suffer ...Many people believe that acne is caused by endocrine, environmental pollution. This is not wrong, but behind acne spots are warning signs of health of the body. Treating external acne is only a temporary way to deal with, understanding the profound causes to overcome is the long-term treatment. The ...Bending the body on a computer can harm posture and cause stress to the body. Before continuing typing, take a break to relieve stress and fatigue. Step 1: Let's start with chest and shoulder openness. Turn to one side of the chair, keeping your spine and buttocks straight. Put two arms behind ...In order for your lead soldier to be healthy and odorless, they should clean the 'boy' in 5 steps. 1. Clean the foreskin For men who are not circumcised, pull the foreskin away from the tip of the penis so that you don't hurt yourself. Using a soft towel and a mixture of soap and water, gently rub ...There is no need for immediate medication when the baby's head is only warm, because a single fever is not the reason for intervention, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Instructions for the treatment of fever using over-the-counter remedies have been published in ...Watercress, also known as ban ban beans, hydro cashew, Thai pacific. Being a draft plant, it has a cow stalk, has many branches, has roots in its segments. Staggered leaves, double feathered. Small white flowers, clustered at the ends of branches. Cylindrical fruits contain many red ...Nasal polyps are a common benign tumor in the nasal cavity that forms from the lining of the nose or sinuses. Nasal polyps cause sinus-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, shortness of breath, constant runny nose, olfactory changes, etc. which can cause complications and worsen other ...Every year, at the end of autumn and early winter, the upper respiratory tract infection (IUD) is in danger of flare up. VĐHHT although a disease does not cause immediate danger, but sometimes its consequences cause many troubles for the patient. For example, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and ...Many new mothers share the same concern about whether they should breastfeed or not. Here are answers to these questions. Influenza is easily transmitted Originally a viral disease, influenza is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly and progresses into an epidemic. The disease is spread by ...Rice kernels are a common skin disease caused by the HPV virus. In recent years, the number of patients suffering from rice grain has increased and the incidence in women is higher than that of men. Classification of rice grain disease There are two types of rice grains, ordinary rice and flat ...Measles is an acute infectious disease that arises and spreads often in the winter-spring season. The disease is common in children from 1-5 years old. The reason is that the person is infected with the measles virus. Eastern medicine divided measles into 3 stages. Here are some foods for children ...Instead of chemical oils, the best moisturizer for dry hair is the safest use of herbs and vegetables available in your home. The best way to deal with all the complicated side effects in hair care products available on the market is to use herbs and vegetables available in the home while saving ...