
  • A few years ago, I had kidney stones. I want to know what I can do and how to prevent it from coming back. Reply Thanks for your question. Kidney stones are a common disease that affects about 10% of the US population at some point in life. These stones are a result of too much calcium and some ...
  • When the weather is hot, humid, or intertwined, children are more susceptible to skin diseases. Therefore, parents need to know about diseases, how to prevent and treat them to keep them healthy. Young skin is very immature. Therefore, if not hygienic, children are very susceptible to skin ...
  • Bronchitis (VPQ) is a common disease in newborns during the changing seasons. Parents should pay attention to discovering and finding appropriate treatment for children. Signal Children often cough, sneeze, runny nose accompanied by signs of mild fever or not. You should note that fever is not a ...
  • Ephedrine is one of the drugs that is very familiar to users, the main ingredient in sulfarin medicine (medicine used for nasal drops) .In addition, the drug also has forms, injections, aerosols, syrup ... This is the drug used to symptomatic treatment of nasal congestion (often accompanied by a ...
  • Besides the method of implant dentistry, Implant method is becoming more popular and preferred for people who have lost a lot of teeth. 1 / Why should be Implant? In the past, when you lost a lot of teeth, your doctor would suggest that you restore your teeth with removable dentures, or a fixed ...
  • Spinal tuberculosis needs to be diagnosed and treated in tuberculosis specialist to avoid severe consequences later on for the patient. Tuberculosis of the spine mainly damages the disc and vertebrae, rarely in the posterior arch. The disease may occur primarily in the spine, may be secondary in ...
  • To treat nighttime coughing in children, heat a glass of milk and add 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon honey, beat well. Divide the mixture into 2 parts: 1 part for hot drink before bed; rest for children to cough will continue to drink. Here are some other remedies from milk, by Dr. S.K. Calinovski ...
  • Radioactive contamination is one of the most important issues in modern society when atomic weapons, nuclear power plants and its incidents have been threatening human health and life all over the world. world. Therefore, the research and use of drugs and preparations with the effect of preventing ...
  • Father's sperm quality has a direct effect on the process of conception. Therefore, before deciding to get pregnant, men also need basic preparation. Here, we offer a few suggestions for men to refer. Health check Before deciding to get pregnant, men need to see a doctor to check their health. ...
  • In the traditional medicine garden, there is a medicine called "raspberry" which is very valuable for men. Raspberry also known as favors. The scientific name is rubus alceaefolius poir. (r.molúccanus L) belongs to rose family (rosaceae). Name the raspberry because it has a double fruit that looks ...
  • Rupture of amniotic fluid may be one of the signs that a pregnant mother is about to go into labor. So how to identify amniotic rupture? Listen to the sharing from obstetricians of Hopital Hospital in the article below for more useful information! What is amniotic sac? Amniotic sac, also known as ...
  • Women during the time of childbirth, pain in the joints, limbs, painful paralysis, severe discomfort, stretching difficulties called postpartum pain or folk called 'postpartum leprosy' '. According to traditional medicine, pain after birth is mostly due to blood loss at birth, different from body ...
  • A cesarean section is a normal obstetric clinical procedure for a fetus when a woman has difficulty giving birth naturally. For babies born by caesarean section, strengthening the immune system is one of the top priorities to help the baby build a solid foundation for complete development in the ...
  • Knee joints play a very important role in body movement. When the joint is healthy and functioning well, people tend to not pay attention to its importance. However, when a part of the structure of the joint is broken, human activities are limited and patients suffer from pain. Medical intervention ...
  • Spinal tumor can come from any component in the structure of the spinal cord and spine. They may be located in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. They can come from the spinal cord, nerve roots, sclera, or from the spine bone. They may be primary - coming from the spinal cord or spinal ...