
  • Depression can occur at any age. In our country there is no official statistic but about 2 - 5% of the population has this disease. Depression is a disease that enables people to change the way they look to the outside world and see things become hopeless. Identification sign Depression is easy to ...
  • Being a mother is the sacred happiness of all women in the world and no mother does not want to protect her child best. Pregnancy is the most important time because the health of the mother in this period is also the health foundation of the child. Therefore, if planning to become pregnant or in ...
  • From birth to age 3, children need to be monitored weight each month to know if the body is developing well or not. You should weigh your baby on a certain day of the month (you can choose the date of birth) and draw a "health path" for easy monitoring. After each weighing, you dot a chart ...
  • Scorpions also known as full list, death, full coincidence, post latitude. According to Oriental medicine, the scorpion is salty, slightly spicy, neutral, toxic; into the can, with immediate effect, cut off seizures; Groundnut (circulating veins, veins) and detox. Some remedies for ...
  • Abortion is common in the first weeks of pregnancy. The cause may be chromosomal abnormalities, blood type differences between the mother and the fetus or some maternal diseases. What is miscarriage? The fetus is still alive and developing inside the uterus of the mother but there are signs of ...
  • Childbirth is a big event, a great joy for women. But after giving birth, some mothers often worry about depression, even mental breakdown. This condition, called postpartum mental collapse, occurs in about 15-20% of mothers after delivery. The worry is that many women who do not know this evidence ...
  • An appropriate amount of zinc is important for maintaining cardiovascular health, especially for men who maintain erection during sex. This source of zinc is abundant in oysters, mussels, oysters ... Do you know improving the chances of conception with a diet that will boost sperm for your ...
  • Are you planning to have a baby? But I don't know how to prepare for a safe and healthy pregnancy. The following article will provide useful information that future mothers need to know before deciding to become pregnant. Why is readiness for pregnancy so important? If you are not ready to become ...
  • When burns, first aid is necessary, if waiting until the hospital, the burn is already serious. Therefore, it is advisable to use medications available at home, such as chicken fat. If you happen to get burnt because of the stove grill, iron, motorbike exhaust, boiling water ... use a cotton ball ...
  • I am 31 years old (female), often have abdominal pain around the belly button - often called wind pain. In painful times, I had to seal the navel by applying oil and wrapping a blanket around my stomach. Is there any way to treat this disease? Reply In abdominal pain, people often distinguish upper ...
  • Recently, I eat very indigestible, always feeling full. Please ask me what disease? Is there any cure? (Dang Van Bao - Duc Giang - Gia Lam). Reply According to the letter you describe, you may have indigestion. This is a very common disease, but the definition is vague, often associated with ...
  • Ear rot is a folk saying that indicates cases of chronic ear infection with purulent discharge. If pus smells rotten, it is a sign of dangerous ear infections, can lead to death. Why is there phenomenon pus discharge? Normally, the mucosa in the middle ear is separated from the external environment ...
  • Abdominal bloating or flatulence are common in many people, but to varying degrees. To avoid this phenomenon, when eating, need to eat slowly, chew carefully, reduce drinking mineral water, carbonated drinks ... See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening In the human gut, there ...
  • Through expression of eyes can detect many diseases early. 1. Congestive eye The conjunctiva of the eye is filled with blood capillaries and when the capillaries are broken, congestion is present. Eye experts recommend that conjunctival hemorrhage usually has no obvious cause but is common in ...
  • Before going to the gynecologist to see why the menstrual period changes or becomes erratic, you should pay attention to the following 4 culprits! 1. Diet and exercise If you exercise excessively or follow a strict diet, it will lower estrogen levels in your body and interfere with ovulation. As a ...