In fact, pregnancy testing is not as simple as some women think. There are lots of questions and concerns around this test! ’ Question 1: When I check my urine to see if I am pregnant, I see that the first line on the test strip is pink but that color disappears after a few minutes. Am i ...
Black beans are readily available throughout the year, including canned, dried or freshly harvested. This is a delicious and healthy food source. When combined with other foods, especially cereal foods such as brown rice, brown rice ... will create high quality protein sources, absolutely no fat ...
We have heard about many liver diseases, especially liver disease during pregnancy. Unlike viral liver disease, acute fatty liver in pregnancy is a non-contagious liver disease, the severity of which is not anticipated. What is acute fatty liver during pregnancy? Amplified Fragment Length ...
A woman asked, ‘Some days, I see my baby kicking all the time; but on other days, she doesn't seem to move. Is there anything wrong? ’ Reply After about 20 weeks, you will feel your baby move every day, the frequency of motion is not even. On some days, your baby will "crackle" all the time; while ...
During teething period, many children show signs of fever accompanied by mild diarrhea. Babies also like to chew their fingers or anything around them. About 2-3 days later, when new teeth erupt, this is also the time when the baby's fever and diarrhea subside and disappear. However, fever is not ...
Under normal physiological conditions, as you get older, wrinkles appear more and more on the skin. Wrinkles form with age due to the layer structure of collagen, a major structural protein of the skin and elastin, the protein that makes the skin elastic. Both of these factors gradually decline ...
My baby is 6 years old, at home often bad breath, although brushing teeth, gargle regularly. Is there any other reason, please consult your doctor. (Nguyen Thanh Van - Phu Yen) Reply The cause of bad breath is many, but 70% of cases are due to dental. Dental diseases that produce odors caused by ...
Recently, my 4-year-old child had a high fever and had convulsions in an emergency room. I heard that if a child has a seizure when he has a high fever, the next time he or she has the fever it is very easy to get back. I would like to ask you, if my child has a febrile convulsion, what should I do ...
I was nearly a month pregnant, and heard that eating vitamins and minerals supplements would benefit both mother and baby, especially to help reduce the risk of low birth weight babies. Doctor advise me something, please? (Hoang Thi Van - Hai Duong) Reply Vitamins and minerals play an important ...
Stillbirth is a condition in which the fetus dies before birth but after the 20th week of pregnancy. There are many causes of stillbirth, but according to experts, up to 50% of pregnancies have no specific cause. The following signs may indicate a stillbirth: 1. Lack of fetal movement When the ...
If you have 3 or more symptoms at the same time, you should see a doctor immediately: 1. Oil-stained urine floating on the surface of the water or cloudy water (pour urine into a clean cup to observe). 2. Drink water like everyone else, but urinate overnight 3 times. 3. Difficult urination, not ...
Q: My daughter is 11 years old. Recently, I had an echocardiogram with results: Van 2 leaves: thick thick, sa leaf before level II, 2 leaves 1/4 open. SEA valve is light and heavy, open 1/4. DMP valve is slightly thicker, increasing the coagulation speed through DMP valve with Vmax = 2.4m / s. ...
There are many women who have not yet been happy with the good news of having a baby, so they had to accept the doctor's advice 'you should not keep that pregnancy'. Which are the cases? How to solve it? Are there any consequences for subsequent births? Parentslink with you to share about this ...
Pineapple is a short-stemmed plant with many roots of biogas, with long, evenly distributed leaves spreading out across the asterisks. On the trunk and leaf axils there are some shoots (people use shoots to propagate). When the tree has grown, from the cluster of leaves sprouting a stem 30-40cm ...
If anyone has ever had sinusitis to know its pain; even stuffy noses make you very uncomfortable. Here are the foods that if used daily will have a great impact on the disease. 1. Milk and milk products If you have sinusitis, you should not drink milk or eat milk-based foods because it produces ...