
  • During the early months, a pregnant woman experiences vaginal bleeding, sometimes with back pain, minor abdominal pain called pregnancy. When pregnant, in addition to the living and resting regime as directed by the physician, we would like to introduce some dishes - drinking water to support this ...
  • When taking care of children, there are signs of tiredness such as runny nose, fever, refusal to eat, digestive disorders, shortness of breath ... parents need to see their doctor immediately, not treat themselves at home. Note when taking care of the baby When taking care of a newborn baby, you ...
  • Are you tired of the never ending diet and exercise? Maintaining an ideal weight is not difficult. It is important that you have your weight management solution. Add fiber A diet high in fiber will help you curb hunger. Studies have shown that people on a high fiber diet have a healthier body ...
  • Using rose water has become an indispensable step in the beauty needs, but, did you understand its use? PH balance pH stands for Potential Hydrogen - the amount of hydrogen in a liquid. When the skin's pH level is out of balance, wrinkles, bruises, allergies, pimples and other common skin problems ...
  • The youthful expression will always exude from your face if you pay attention to daily care! 1. Mask from chicken eggs and tomato juice Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of egg white, 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce Method: mix the eggs and tomato juice Usage: Apply on face 10 ~ 15 minutes, rinse with ...
  • I was 9 weeks pregnant but had many ultrasounds, the doctor told me that it was only 6 weeks (there was an embryo but there was no fetal heart). One thing that worries me is that the first time I went to an ultrasound, the doctor just told me to stop growing, but the 3rd ultrasound said that the ...
  • Candlelight grass is also known as the tub, rosemary, incense. Trees 1-3m high. Leaves grow from the base, narrow, strip-like rice leaves, arranged in 2 rows standing around the stem. Flowers are monoecious, into dense, dense, cylindrical, males with dark brown hairs, with apical teeth; The female ...
  • My child is 9 months old, he develops normally in both height and weight but his teeth have not grown yet. I am worried if my child has rickets? (Nguyen Hai Luat - Nam Dinh) Reply In every child, the process of teething is completely different, some children teething early, some children teething ...
  • Please introduce first aid for some common accidents such as burns, choking, poisoning in children. Choke Choking is the most common accident that can occur at any time, such as forcing a child to eat while a child is crying or when he places small objects in his mouth without the knowledge of an ...
  • Flipped duck eggs are considered a delicious dish, a tonic, to make this use must be spiced with laksa leaves and freshly sliced ginger, served with boiled duck eggs just boiled finished hot, dotted with a little salt or roasted soup powder to taste. Duck eggs have the effect of cultivating sound, ...
  • Is breastfeeding harmful during pregnancy? How to feed your baby safely while the mother continues to be pregnant? How should a mother improve her diet during pregnancy? The lactating mother finds out she is pregnant, the first reaction is probably anxiety. Because your baby is not weaning yet, you ...
  • Spring is the season of hundreds of flowers blooming and also ... "the season the bee gets honey". Since ancient times, whether in the palace of the king, the lord or to all folklore, honey has always been one of the highly valued cosmetics. Honey makes the skin beautiful The external remedies for ...
  • Too low blood pressure has many health risks, sometimes even life-threatening. The following article will help readers prevent low blood pressure and its harmful effects. How much is low blood pressure? According to experts, called low blood pressure when the maximum blood pressure reading ...
  • Penis is a sensitive part, very important in the male body. Even an abnormally small expression of the penis can cause a man to lose sleep. Here are some of the most common penis diseases Erectile dysfunction This is an abnormal health problem, where the penis remains erect for a long time (for ...
  • When pregnant, women often face some significant problems in the body due to physiological and hormonal changes. Including the gastrointestinal manifestations such as nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastrium, flatulence ... symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. Gastritis when? Gastritis occurs when ...