Dizziness is a type of symptom that can be encountered at any age but older people (older persons) account for a higher proportion and are more dangerous. Dizziness is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms such as reeling, lightheadedness, and ringing in the ears, which are very ...
Dental tongue hygiene for babies not only helps children eat better but also helps to avoid dental diseases. However, not all parents know how to tongue properly to cheerfully cooperate. The following article will share to parents how to tongue safe for children, scientific but effective, to apply ...
Clotrimazol is an anti-fungal drug widely used to treat local cases of skin diseases caused by various fungal pathogens such as oral candidiasis, throat; Ringworm, ringworm, finger and foot fungus ... as well as candidiasis of the vulva, vagina, ringworm, and inflammation of the nail and around the ...
Born in 1940, theophyllin is a widely used methylxanthin derivative, a bronchodilator for patients with bronchial obstructive pulmonary disease. Because the toxicity of the drug and the mechanism of disease are better understood, theophyllin is gradually less used in the treatment of the disease. ...
I am 48 years old, recently hot, unusually irritable, especially the memory felt reduced compared to before. It is said that women who are about to menopause often suffer like this. So can the diet fix it? (Nguyen Thi Nhien- Hung Yen) Reply Middle-aged women often experience a decline in female ...
The golden needle is also known as gold thorn, gold brooch. Small shrubs. Square branches without hairs. Whole leaves, hairless, attached leaves turn into sharp straight spines. Inflorescences in flower-like growth. Yellow flowers. The capsule has two flat seeds. Flowering in winter spring. The ...
The stretch marks on the eye area are a sign that you are aging your skin. With the following tips, you can hide the uninvited cracks that come here. Forehead massage It should be understood that the forehead is very close to the eyes, the care of the forehead area also means the care of the skin ...
Immunity (MD) is the body's ability to recognize and remove foreign objects. In the human body, the MD response can be divided into two types of non-specific MD and specific MD. Non-specific MD is the ability to protect itself from birth, which is inherited, because MD is nonspecific and does not ...
The 'secret triangle' is the most important part of a woman's body, and it requires a lot of proper attention to maintain healthy health. However, many women care only about their outer beauty and often neglect vaginal care. Here is a simple guide to keeping your vagina healthy and free from ...
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin falls below the normal level compared to healthy people of the same age and gender. In adult Vietnamese, the normal number of red blood cells is: 3.87 - 4.91 x 1012 / l in women and 4.18 - 5.42 x 1012 / l in men. The cause ...
Masturbation abuse can have physical, psychological and neurological consequences. However, moderate masturbation still has certain benefits ... In fact, the sexual needs and ability of each person's body are different, so there is no "common" amount for masturbation. sex. Several times a week, ...
During pregnancy, women often suffer from skin pigmentation, making many pregnant women lose confidence when going to the street. Any measure to prevent melasma is a common concern of pregnant women. Causes of skin pigmentation During pregnancy, the female body has many changes, disorders in ...
In countless foods, there are things when combined together that can cause many dangerous reactions, even fatal in humans. Therefore, we need to know about incompatible foods to avoid when processing food. Chicken eggs and soy milk Chicken eggs and soy milk if eaten at the same time will limit the ...
For office workers, pregnancy and childbirth is a difficult problem because they face many health problems for mothers and babies. There are many factors that can affect pregnant women when their job is in the office. 1. The work is often in contact with the computer is not safe for the ...
When the weather changes between spring and summer, the humidity is erratic, in the raining rain often there are tiny dust particles sticking to the skin. Therefore, at this time you should have a special skincare regime to keep the skin healthy and bright. 1. Wash your face clean: Follow the ...