- In our country, coconut almost all year round. Coconut is not only for drinking water and nutritious food, but the miracle is that from the fresh white pulp of old coconut can extract pure coconut oil - a food and cosmetics extremely valuable. Coconut oil - Ideal food for health ... Coconut oil ...Have you ever thought that a matchbox or an ATM card would greatly assist your beauty? 1. When the nail is scratched In daily activities, your nails will be scratched or broken and at that time, what should you do if you do not have a cutting tool? In these cases, use a box of matches and use its ...Drinking lots of lemon juice not only helps with refreshment and vitamin C supplementation but also is a simple method to combat the deposition of stones in people with kidney stones. Hot season and risk of kidney stones Gradual deposition and precipitation of gravel can occur over long periods not ...The summer climate is hot, uncomfortable and easily causes many skin diseases for children such as heat rash, pimples, dermatitis, skin allergies ... Therefore, parents have prepared a lot of food as well as making many things for children to cool down during the summer day such as using air ...Skin cells act as the outer sheath, so they are sensitive to all effects. Depending on the moisture, people divide the skin into 3 types: oily, normal and dry skin. People with normal skin are easy to care for, rarely sick, whereas those with oily and dry skin often have a lot of troubles. Care ...Female genital tract infections are female reproductive tract infections. The disease is quite common and is common in women of the sexually active age. Female genitals include: Pussy, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes (uterus), ovaries. Female genital tract infections are female reproductive ...Sciatica is a set of symptoms that show pain along the path of the sciatic nerve. It is a common disease with many different causes, especially infectious and inflammatory diseases, especially the consequences of some occupational diseases. Types of pain of the disease It is natural pain with the ...The formula is simple but effective, you will own a perfect smooth face. At any age, acne is always a permanent obsession of women. Just a little honey and a few pieces of cinnamon, put on the acne within 15-20 and then rinse with warm water, absolutely do not leave overnight. The next morning, ...You can apply easy-to-find foods as a natural remedy for body aches and pains. 1. Ginger Effects: Muscle pain and joint pain Ginger is not just used to stabilize the stomach and fight off a cold. In fact, ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, such as Gingerols, which help relieve ...Besides sunscreens, foods also have a positive support for reducing the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin. The advice of experts to help you avoid the risk of skin cancer is to use sunscreen and should avoid going out from 10am to 4pm. This is when the sun is dangerous and can cause wrinkles, ...The rice germ or rice germ (China) has the scientific name Oryza sativa L. of the rice family (Poaceae). The rice germ is prepared into a dried seed called a cup (Frutus Oryzae germinatus). The chemical composition of the cup includes amylase, starch, protid, lipid, vitamins C, B, E ... Eastern ...Exfoliating with natural ingredients and secrets to make yourself enjoy the feeling of freshness and regenerated with a youthful skin in a completely natural way. Exfoliate with grapefruit and sage bucket (for body skin) You need 2 cups of pure sea salt, 1 cup of olive oil, 4-6 fresh sage leaves, ½ ...In this article, we would like to introduce to you some typical methods for reference and can be applied to treat itchy sores. Remedy for an itchy adult itch: freshly dried prickly rice tree bark of 40g, 20g gold tip of the horse's head, 20g of freshly caught climbing snail scales, 16g celery ...An overly sensitive skin sometimes brings a lot of troubles to you. Moreover, sensitive skin also needs a special care regime. If you have sensitive skin, you've probably encountered a lot of troubles. Here's how to help you avoid the trouble of sensitive skin. 1. Choose the right type of ...If someone compliments you: 'So young for the age!' You will definitely be happy all day. How to stay young for my age is a constant question for all women. To combat wrinkles and other signs of aging, you need to keep your skin moisturized, so that your skin is always elastic and fresh, spring ...