
  • I had a habit of masturbating when I was in college. By the end of this year I got married but still haven't given up this habit. I was really afraid my wife would find out about this horrible thing, what kind of person would she think I was, most likely she thought that I liked "taking a selfie" ...
  • According to the concept of traditional medicine, the function of digesting food and absorbing nutrients belongs to two main organs, namely, Vi and Pi. To improve the digestive function and prevent these conditions, you can perform simple massages of the abdomen, two meridians, spleen and some ...
  • Dried summer draft scientific name: Prunella vulgaris L., family of lip flowers (Lamiaceae). Herbaceous, tough, square-shaped, reddish-purple color. Leaves are opposite, ovoid or lanceolate, whole or slightly serrated. Inflorescence at the top of the branches including many flowers, growing in ...
  • Until now, many people still believe that bulging eyes is just a symptom of Basedow's disease. If so, then when the disease from the symptoms must be gone. However, in clinical practice, many cases of patients who have been treated from Basedow have been completely treated, completely ...
  • Hair dye is one of the beauty methods that many women love and choose. However, there are many ideas that women should not dye their hair during pregnancy because it can adversely affect the fetus. So what is the real problem of this problem, the article below will answer the above question. Can ...
  • Besides acne, dry skin is a serious dermatological problem that haunts people, people of all ages and genders. It will make you lose confidence when your skin is cracked and flaky even in the wet season, so a 'strategy' is needed to care for this skin type. Taking care of dry skin, like other skin ...
  • Eye injury is a common accident in productive labor, especially in agriculture. Meanwhile, most of our population lives on agriculture. Risk factor In the course of agricultural labor, there are many activities, jobs that easily cause eye injuries (eyeballs) even leaving unpredictable ...
  • The world's leading makeup experts will reveal ways to make you younger than your real age. 1. Choose a brightly colored lipstick Expert Matin Maulawizada, who used to make up for Angelina Jolie, revealed that dark lip color is not good for the elderly, because then your lips are no longer full. ...
  • Many women after childbirth often urinate difficult, urinate many times, urinate incontinence. The reason is that the bladder muscle tone is reduced, not shrinking due to the function of waste, spleen, kidney is impaired. The kidneys are not able to cure the fluid, and urinate cannot stop. Eastern ...
  • In the past, rhinitis and sinusitis were considered to be diseases of the cold season, the weather at the time of changing seasons. But now even when the weather has turned to summer, rhinitis and sinusitis are still causing many people to be uncomfortable and miserable. The cause to the ...
  • Men often think that if they eat healthy, exercise regularly, they will not worry about unhealthy bones and osteoporosis later. But the truth is not as we thought! Habits that make calcium deficiency Calcium is an essential mineral of the body, but the body cannot make calcium by itself, but needs ...
  • Please tell me, is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease dangerous? Does it lead to lung cancer? How to prevent disease? (Le Van Duong - Hai Phong) Reply 90% of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Vietnam are smokers. That said, tobacco is the main culprit and the biggest ...
  • Not only is known as a good food for cardiovascular health, has the effect of detoxifying, cooling the liver ... artichoke tree (from French Artichaud) has many other uses. Most recently, British scientists have discovered that, in the leaves of artichokes also contain a very effective antioxidant ...
  • I know, dengue is often very dangerous for children if detected late. So how can we identify children with dengue early, doctor? (Tran Kim Xuyen - Tra Vinh) Reply Parents identify dengue in children based on the following signs: children have a sudden high fever from 39-41oC and continuous fever ...
  • Every month, women often find it troublesome, affecting their daily life and activities more or less. Women menstruating more if not resting, fostering will occur anemia, fatigue, fainting during the "red light". Refer to the following dishes to nourish yourself in the "red light" days, okay. Duck ...