When using effervescent drug, the drug is dissolved in water, so the drug reaches the stomach faster, absorbs faster and works quickly. Therefore, the effervescent tablet form is considered to work quickly. Effervescent tablets are often suitable for patients who have difficulty swallowing, ...
The hot, humid weather and heavy rains of the summer are favorable conditions for many diseases including eczema. Eczema is not dangerous but lasts a long time and is very uncomfortable for patients. Especially with eczema, choosing the wrong medicine and using it incorrectly will make it worse or ...
Constipation is a general condition that occurs at any age, constipation can occur in pregnant women or children. In addition, constipation is also common in the elderly over 65. According to a study, up to one third of elderly people in this age group complained about constipation affecting their ...
But excess calcium can also be harmful to the body. So, proper understanding of this micronutrient is essential. What is calcium (calcium)? Calcium is an essential mineral of the body, of which 98% is located in bones and teeth. The body is supplemented with calcium through the diet. How is calcium ...
Ask: My baby is 6 months old. Since she was born, her navel was as big as an eggplant, looking at her there was both water and bruising blood. Could this affect my future physical and intellectual development? Ask your doctor for advice - Nguyen Quoc Hung (Thanh Hoa) Reply: Umbilical hernia is a ...
Hypocalcaemia in children needs great care because it is a condition in which the calcium in the blood decreases, causing disorders and tends to increase over time, which can lead to shrinkage, muscle aches, and heart rhythm disorders. , increases tendon reflexes, feels like a needle pricking the ...
Tobacco has a negative effect on your health as well as those around you. So the 7 tips below will help you quit smoking. Make a quota of not smoking in 1 day Don't start with a "grandiose" plan, but quit smoking in just one day and try to succeed. The next day, you set your own goal of refining ...
Here are 7 unhealthy foods that you should not eat too much, let's learn to ensure yourself the best health before it's too late. 1. Foods high in sugar This unhealthy food causes your blood sugar to rise, leading to excess insulin and androgens - a major reason your body has excess sebum, which ...
Pomegranate is not only a delicious, cool fruit that has many health benefits. Pomegranate contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamin C and many other vitamins that help boost the immune system, protect health and fight many diseases. Against aging Pomegranates contain a rich source of ...
Anal leakage is a sensitive disease, so many subjective people are "afraid" not to treat early leading to many complications as well as great impact on daily life. What is anal leakage? Anal leakage is not a rare disease, however, it is less life-threatening but seriously affects quality of life. ...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acute cerebral infarction is the 3rd leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and cancer. This is also the disease causing the highest disability in adults, making them a burden for the family and society. What is acute ...
Fact: Bacteria is not the culprit for the disease but a herpes 2. virus. This is a virus that develops in the mucosa of the genital area where genital herpes is a manifestation of the disease. This when XXX is not protected. The disease appears in both XX and XY. Herpes is very rare? Fact: If XXX ...
If you crave for smooth skin, the regular advice you get is to drink plenty of water. However, this is completely unproven. The advice to drink 8 glasses of water a day to have beautiful skin is a common advice, but has not been proven experimentally. Drinking water is good for health. This is not ...
How do the elderly drink milk best to ensure their health without experiencing dangerous consequences? Here are instructions on how to drink milk properly. When it comes to milk, most people only care about choosing milk for children. The questions related to how to drink milk for health are only ...
Another type is the scaly patches associated with erythema in places such as: eyebrows, behind the ears, cheeks, neck or armpits, groin is easily mistaken for a rash due to heat but is actually diagnosed as a disease seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is what disease? A common, chronic ...