Water in the body loses three paths. The first is through the kidneys, the second is through the gastrointestinal tract and finally through the skin (often called dehydration without recognition). If you have a lot of thirst but urinate normally or not much, dehydration is caused by two reasons, ...
The lower half of the male is also known as the root bulb [Tiphonium trilobatum (L.) Schott], the asteraceae (Araceae), a wild herb growing in most localities in our country. In the winter, when the leaves are dead, dig up the rhizome, wash, cut off the rootlets, and then halve or triple according ...
Laryngeal cancer is the type of head and neck cancer that has the second highest number of patients in the head and neck cancer (after arch cancer). Every year, only in the tumor department of the Central Otolaryngology Hospital, the number of laryngeal cancer patients is discovered up to 600 ...
Women should not think that they can be immune to breast cancer. However, healthy activities can help you partially prevent the cause of the disease. Most people have some form of cancer, and it seems that few people avoid the lightest cancers in their lifetime. Today, numerous toxins in the air, ...
My daughter is currently 22 days old but has a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing due to family flu, and I now have flu. I have been using the Cam Xuyen flu medicine for 1 day, drinking the basil water everyday and using the Natriclorid medicine for my child, but I have not improved much. I am ...
If you have children, you will find the care, body hygiene for children quite complicated. Those who are lucky enough to have "sticky and tedious" even more confused before that. However, the most striking difference is the hygiene of the baby's genitals. Genital organs of boys and girls are both ...
I was pregnant at 20 weeks. From the time of morning sickness, I sometimes had a headache, until now I still do not help, sometimes very painful. May I ask, is headache during pregnancy normal? Is there anything to worry about? Reply Although not as common as morning sickness, fatigue, headaches ...
The development of the length of the fetus is very early in the first weeks of pregnancy and the length reaches its peak before the 15th week of pregnancy. Whereas the fetal weight reaches its highest during the 32nd to 34th week of pregnancy. Nutrition plays an important role in height ...
About 30% of breast cancer cases are suspected to be due to obesity. While, just walking regularly about 12 minutes a day can help women reduce the risk of disease by 18%. Signs you have breast cancer / The boy dies from breast cancer Below The Sun offers some suggestions to help women reduce ...
Shingles is caused by a virus, which often causes a burning sensation in the rash. Painful sensations usually appear a few days before skin damage occurs. Expression of swollen skin, redness. In a few days, the area of swelling becomes common on the back, chest or may grow on one side of the face ...
Hearing impairment is divided into 3 main types: conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss: This type of hearing loss is also called conductive hearing loss. Conductive deafness occurs when sound is not adequately transmitted through the ...
Breastfeeding will not damage your mother's breasts as many people think, but it can also help you quickly regain your old physique. When babies suckle, the uterus of women can easily contract, the mother consumes a lot of energy so it has the effect of losing weight very effectively. You also do ...
According to Professor - Doctor Nguyen Chan Hung, Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City Cancer Association, even cases of cancer, if detected early and treated properly, the possibility of cure still accounts for more than 90%. When it comes to breast lumps, many people still mistakenly believe that "a ...
Q: My eyes have recently appeared dark circles. Please doctor, said dark circles is what disease and how to treat? Reply: There are many causes of dark circles around the eyes: thin skin (the skin under the eyes is very thin and sensitive, as we age, the skin and the fat layer under the eyes are ...
One type of "panacea" after 2 minutes is cut off sneezing violently, allowing patients to resume meals as usual. It was a piece of fresh ginger, shaved off. People with allergic rhinitis or weather allergy, often sneeze very violently (all 4 seasons) when suddenly cold. Sneezing is most dangerous ...