Medical Knowledge

  • Bald: My child was born 20 days, recently he often twisted during sleep, or when not sleeping he also twisted his body (whenever his face was turned red all over his body) and he refused to sleep between 2 hours to 4 am. Does my child's behavior affect my baby's health? What manifestations on ...
  • Many mothers wonder about how to effectively bottle-feed their babies when they are used to breastfeeding. CK1 nutritionist. Vu Thi Thanh said: "When babies get used to breast-feeding and start to switch to bottle-feeding, they must learn to gradually become familiar with new types of milk and ...
  • My boyfriend is 30 years old. At 10 years old, once he fell down and hit his head on a pole, he was diagnosed with a plant nerve paralysis. Since then, he has had seizures from time to time, with the symptoms: crying out and lying on the floor, cramping, jerking and frothing at the edge. After half ...
  • Dysentery is an infection of the large intestine caused by Entamoeba histolyca or Shigella. Most infections are asymptomatic carriers, some manifesting as mild, persistent diarrhea, or exacerbated as acute dysentery. Clinical manifestations of the gut are usually liver abscesses, which can rupture ...
  • Half a year after the birth of a baby, Ngoc Ngan, 27, had trouble urinating. The time she pee, she had to push hard, many times the appearance of dark red blood. A few hours later, the itchy anal area was very uncomfortable. Thinking she was constipated, Ngan asked a pharmacist to buy constipation ...
  • Here are the foods you should avoid in your diet if you don't want heartburn to "knock on the door." Chocolate Sad news for you who are crazy fans of sweet chocolate bars. This is the leading cause of heartburn compared to other foods. The reason is because: - Chocolate contains caffeine and ...
  • Alcohol Drinking alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, including symptoms such as low birth weight, medical problems, and abnormal behavior. As soon as you know you're pregnant, stop drinking alcohol. Cigarette Tobacco is not only not good for the mother's body, nor good for the baby in the ...
  • There are many causes of difficulty conceiving leading to infertility. About one-third of cases are caused by men, one-third for women and the other one-third belong to both sexes. If you are under the age of 35 and have failed (despite trying) to conceive for a year, you should seek a reproductive ...
  • I am 29 years old this year, the second baby is 7-8 weeks old (according to the first ultrasound on July 29, 2011). Because during pregnancy I did not know I was pregnant, so I took an emergency pill of 120g, and had a cold, so I took Decolgen to treat the flu. Now I am very worried about the ...
  • Replace meals with energy drinks Energy drinks quickly boost your body's energy levels, as it has the ability to "fuel" your muscles thanks to their high content of carbohydrates and proteins. But behind that recognizable use, energy drinks also have many potential health implications. Especially ...
  • Long-lasting ulcers are an obsession of many patients due to radiation therapy for cancer, diabetes, traffic accidents, long-term patients ... Long-term ulcers cause pain, guilt and annoyance for many patients. in daily activities. What are wounds, sores? The wound may be due to mechanical causes, ...
  • Men "weak" in the room often suffer from heavy psychological obsession, seeking to find new drugs that want to be more energetic without knowing Oriental medicine also has good and easy remedies. , safe. Introduce to the gentlemen how to make occlusive wine to treat this dyslexia Gecko is a rich ...
  • When the body emits signals such as dry mouth cracked tongue, impaired vision, cracked mouth, bleeding gums ... then it is time to add some nutrients. Night blindness - Probably due to vitamin A deficiency Enhance foods that provide plenty of vitamin A of plant and animal origin are carrots and pig ...
  • I'm a male, over 40 years old, doing office work. Recently I have the expression: Every time I hit a stone (iced stone to drink coffee, drink water), I got itchy fingers; sometimes holding a long cold iced coffee, I also itchy my fingers like that .... I didn't have one before. Why am I like that, ...
  • Is cirrhosis dangerous? What causes this disease? (Vu Thao Trang - Hai Duong) Reply The normal human liver has a reddish brown color, smooth and soft face. When cirrhosis, the liver may be enlarged or shrunk, the density is firm, the color changes to reddish or pale yellow, the liver loses its ...