Salt water (sodium chloride) is prepared with a ratio of 0.9%, that is, 1 liter of water with 9g of pure salt, called physiological saline and is suitable for all ages. In medicine, physiological saline is considered a drug with good absorption through the gastrointestinal tract and can be absorbed ...
Dechenosis is a special form of eczema. Eczema meets at any age. In children also known as visceral eczema. Lesions are found anywhere on the skin. If the lesions occur on the palms, feet and margins of the fingers and toes, then they are called hand, foot eczema or leukemia (pompholyx / ...
Elderly people often suffer from osteoarthritis, of which degenerative joint disease (THK) is the most common. When having OA without early detection for treatment, it is easy to lead to deformed joints, limiting movement, sometimes stiffening joints. The cause of THK OA is a phenomenon of damaged ...
Although autism is not new, it may not be close to many parents. Consequently, many autistic children are diagnosed late or not well intervened, making it difficult for them to integrate into the community. The cause of autism syndrome is caused by changes in brain structure. There are many factors ...
Patellar tendonitis occurs when there is excessive movement in this part. Favorable factors for patellar tendonitis Overload of pillow: - continuous, prolonged movement, starting up before training is not enough time. - Due to injury. - Age (common in middle-aged people). - Pathological factors: ...
Nosebleeds in adults in Eastern medicine are called nosebleeds. Hemorrhage is a condition in which nasal blood naturally flows in a large amount, which is difficult to hold, due to the death of blood, located in hemorrhage. The cause is caused by eating too hot foods, alcohol ... or some of the ...
With the current rate of successful treatment of cancer so low, many people wonder if there is a way to prevent cancer effectively before it happens. Besides a healthy living environment, an effective diet to prevent cancer is a useful option for everyone. Strawberry Not only are strawberries rich ...
Mackerel has a different name, such as intersection code, needle merchant, snow fisherman. In general, the mackerel has a long, slender, very small scales located behind the large fins on the back and abdomen; different from tuna (with gourd body, larger scales). Mackerel, plaice, goby, bream are 4 ...
Currently on the market there are many types of "antidote", abusing this, many people go on drinking until they get drunk and then find medicine. But not everyone knows that using it is very harmful to health. The process of metabolism and elimination of alcohol in the body like? Alcohol is a ...
Up to 90% of pregnant women experience vomiting or nausea during the first months of pregnancy. After that, about 50% of women will gradually reduce these symptoms by 14 weeks of pregnancy, but still about 10% of women will continue to vomit or nausea after 20 weeks of pregnancy, even some very few ...
Given a due date is only relative, it may not be exact for each day in many cases. Therefore, the necessary equipment when hospitalized is something that many pregnant women have prepared beforehand. With the criteria are not full but must be enough, the mothers need to consider carefully to bring ...
Algae (premature ejaculation) is a common disease and is on the rise in men. The preventive measures of traditional medicine are plentiful, including the use of unique herbal remedies. Some examples can be cited as follows: Method 1: Dried carrots 120g, breaking only 60g, 60g rabbits, painting 60g. ...
Knee pain is a common disease caused by many different causes, can be encountered in both young and old people. It is necessary to have the necessary awareness about the disease to have the best treatment direction, to avoid the complications that occur, especially for those who suffer for a long ...
It's not always clear which foods to avoid because it's bad for your health. Brands that produce products often have advertising tactics that make us 'dazzled' and believe in their ‘values’. That's why many of us buy unhealthy foods, either because we don't know or think it's okay to eat ...
Decreased or loss of vision, though not fatal, affects greatly the quality of life and working capacity of the patient. Diabetic retinopathy: - High blood sugar causes damage, destroys capillaries in the fundus, affects the permeability of these capillaries, resulting in the fluid released from the ...