Sleepwalking is a common disease but it does not identify the exact cause. Up to 40% of children sleepwalk at some time. In families with sleepwalking children, other children are also susceptible and most are fast growing children. The cause of sleepwalking It is thought that anxiety, fatigue, ...
To prevent 6 diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, polio and tuberculosis, children need to be vaccinated but parents must know the health of the child. However, few people are interested in banning immunization when children are unwell below. Lao The prevention of tuberculosis in newborns ...
If pregnant women have rubella, they can cause congenital rubella syndrome in fetuses and babies such as stillbirths, congenital heart disease, myocarditis, cerebral palsy, cataract blindness. can be congenital, ear infections cause deafness, bone deformities, mental retardation, lung damage ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all pregnant women need tetanus vaccinations to prevent dangerous complications that can occur to the mother and the baby, including the risk of causing dead. Learn about tetanus disease Tetanus, also known as leprosy, is one of the deadliest ...
Urinary tract defects are relatively common in pediatric pathologies. The disease causes urinary tract infections, failure and loss of kidney function, so it should be detected and treated early. In the past, these malformations were usually detected only when complications were present, but in ...
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent food with extremely special features and uses. You can use apple cider vinegar in skin care, hair, weight loss and insecticide. Make hair shiny Apple cider vinegar can be used as a conditioner after shampooing, because it helps hair to be healthier and more ...
We all know that vitamin E has an anti-aging effect, improves immunity, supports the treatment of high blood cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, premenopausal syndrome ... The results of various studies have shown that the effectiveness of vitamin E will be reduced or unfavorable if used together with ...
Ask: “My 18-year-old brother often cramps while playing or working… Why is my brother suffering from this? Is there any way to get rid of this disease? ”. Reply: Cramping is an involuntary muscle contraction (mainly in the muscles of the lower limbs), which suddenly appears and makes the patient ...
Kitchen utensils can be harmful to older people, especially those with cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's or dementia. Therefore, we should: - Clean small carpets on the kitchen floor, as they are the common cause of falls in the elderly. - Do not store flammable liquids in the kitchen, keep them ...
How to tell if a child has abdominal pain due to diarrhea, worm infection or bacterial infection? Some of the basic characteristics below will help you identify, from which get the appropriate treatment. Abdominal pain due to diarrhea is easy to recognize, which is a colicky child accompanied by ...
Healthy respiratory system During normal respiration, air passes through the nose and into the lungs. Inside the bones of the skull are air sacs called sinuses. Four large sinuses flow into the nose and throat, forehead, upper jaw, two sinuses, and butterflies. Sometimes outside dirt flies through ...
Almost every drug is metabolized in the liver, so if there is a problem with the liver, it will inevitably be affected by the medicine. Some drugs also have serious and typical levels of hepatitis ... The liver is easily affected The liver is a special detox and antitoxic organ of the body. The ...
The concern of pregnant women is always how to prevent children from birth defects. To prevent birth defects, the mother should eat plenty of folic acid supplements. Eating something delicious, nutritious, and cheap is the concern of many people in general. And for pregnant women, this concern is ...
Many foods reduce wrinkles by combining them in daily meals to make your skin healthier, brighter, and more natural. Here are 10 foods to help reduce wrinkles in the skin: Omega-3 rich eggs Omega-3 rich eggs are provided by chickens raised with Omega-3 fatty acid foods such as flax seeds, soybeans, ...
Having cramps not only hurts us, but in some cases, it can be life-threatening, like swimming. Why cramps? Athletes, young people, pregnant women, etc. are the groups with the most cramps. High-intensity exercise, stretching, or improper posture, lack of water or mineral salts, etc. are the main ...