Brain Tumor In Children
Among tumors in children, brain tumors are the most common cause of death. Children's brain tumors are usually primary, rare secondary tumors. In children, brain tumors are the most common type of tumor and the second most common type of tumor after leukemia, while primary brain tumors in adults are only eighth.
Identification sign
Pediatric brain tumors can be manifested by many signs of increased pressure in the skull, cerebellar syndrome, localized compression syndrome .
Increased pressure in the skull: headache, nausea, vomiting (in the morning), mood swings, irritability, drowsiness or stagnation, slow absorption, inattention in the classroom .
Some cases of vomiting and very easy to vomit, sometimes diagnosed gastrointestinal pathology and treatment for several weeks in the gastroenterology. Sometimes there is a circulatory disorder (slow pulse) and breathing. When the illness is severe, children become drowsy, semi-comatose or comatose. Pediatric patients are children with large heads, wide, swollen, wide skull joints. Children with too big a head can not lift the head, the scalp appears as blood vessels as children with typical hydrocephalus.
Disorders due to cerebellar compression, brainstem, brainstem and brain bridge: When tumors in the posterior fossa (accounting for 50-55% of children brain tumors), children show signs of increased pressure in the skull and signs of compression cerebellum or nearby structures. The child is unsteady or unable to walk, staggering and unsteady movements such as being out of range or in the wrong direction
Localized neurological signs: Tumors in the base of the skull, pituitary gland, pineal gland .
.. can cause signs such as endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, delayed puberty, pituitary dwarfism, pediatrics, and abnormal development. often. U pinched wire II cause blurred vision, semi-fragile, sometimes blind. Or signs of parinaud in patients with pineal region tumors, wake - sleep disorders. Pinched VIII cord causes tinnitus, hearing loss or deafness.
Frontal tumors cause behavioral disorders, language tumors cause speech difficulties, lisp or speech.
The child may have epilepsy, facial paralysis, difficulty swallowing. U pinched the motor area causing paralysis, hemiplegia. Tumors in the posterior fossa, the upper part of the spinal cord can cause pain in the back of the neck, difficulty turning the neck, quadriplegia, limb sensation disorders, round muscle disorders ...
Brain tumors in the posterior fossa often show signs of increased pressure in the skull, hydrocephalus, cerebellar syndrome, cranial nerve palsy or compression of brain stem and medulla oblongata. U on the tent usually only shows signs of increased pressure in the skull, epilepsy. Or tumors in the pituitary gland, pineal gland or in the ventricles have their own characteristics.
In summary, brain tumor signs in children are sometimes difficult to examine. The child may only have unusual vomiting or headaches, so be diagnosed late. If brain tumors are suspected, computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
Methods for diagnosing brain tumors
Today we have many diagnostic imaging facilities for diagnosing brain tumors. However, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are two probes that play a particularly important role in diagnosing children's brain tumors. Other imaging tests have suggested or additional value in diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment of children's brain tumors
Surgery: Treatment of children's brain tumors is mostly based on surgery. Radical surgery is the best treatment for children, but it depends on many factors such as the location, size and extent of the tumor, the experience of the surgeon, the problem.
Postoperative anesthesia and postoperative sequelae. Surgery to take brain tumors children have many difficulties due to difficult posture, difficult to fix the head, embolism due to gas if surgery sitting posture, blood loss ...
Treatment of hydrocephalus: Over 30% of posterior fossa have hydrocephalus before and after treatment. Endoscopic endoscopic surgery has almost completely replaced surgery for ventricular drainage - the classic abdominal cavity. Ventricular endoscopic surgery is inexpensive, less complicated, quick, less sequelial and physiologically reconstitutes cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricular endoscopic surgery also prevents metastasis of malignant tumors from the brain to the abdomen.
Radiation therapy: Effective in some types of brain tumors in children, especially Medulloblastoma, Germinoma. Radiation therapy is necessary if a tumor is left after surgery. However, radiation therapy can have a long-lasting effect on a child's development and should be carefully considered before deciding on radiation therapy. Some cases can wait until older children will minimize the side effects from radiation.
Chemotherapy: Indications for the treatment of high-grade malignancies in children. Chemicals have a lot of side effects, sometimes chemicals are even more 'malignant' than brain tumors! Therefore, it should be considered carefully before using chemicals for brain tumors in children.. . Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín
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