Does Colon Colon Polyp Hurt? How To Cure Painless Polyps

Colon polyps, if not treated early, will cause many dangerous complications for patients. Therefore, removal of colon polyps is essential. Does colon polypectomy hurt and what are the issues to be aware of. Let's find out through the article below.
What is colon polyps?
Colon polyps are conditions where tumors appear in the colon

. Although not very dangerous, these polyps can make people feel uncomfortable and have difficulty in digesting and absorbing food.
Most polyps are benign, only a few are malignant, but the patient is not subjective but needs early treatment because if they are left over for a long time, they will develop into colon cancer.
Common types of colon polyps
There are two common types of polyps: hyperplasia and adenomatous polyps:
Prenatal polyps are polyps that are usually small in size and are common in the end of the colon
They are benign and very rarely progress to malignancy.

Does Colon Colon Polyp Hurt? How To Cure Painless Polyps

Gland polyps: This type of polyps accounts for the majority of ⅔ of all polyps. They come in many sizes and shapes. Usually, large gland polyps are more likely to be cancerous. Therefore, these polyps need to be removed as soon as they are detected.
In terms of classification, colon polyps include many different types:
Morphological: including peduncle polyps and stemless polyps
Quantitative: there may be 1 or more polyps
About sizes: polyps come in a variety of sizes, some are millimeters, others up to several centimeters.
Colon polyp illustration
Symptoms of colon polyps
Colon polyps does not have a typical and obvious sign. It is easy to confuse with other gastrointestinal diseases
However, it should not be subjective, but should see a doctor immediately if you have the following symptoms:
Bloody bowel movements: In severe polyps, patients often go to the roof.

Does Colon Colon Polyp Hurt? How To Cure Painless Polyps

Blood may appear on the stools or in the stool, which may contain a lot of dark brown or colored mucus thanks to the blood of the fish
Abdominal pain: Abdominal pain is a symptom that most patients with colorectal polyps experience. This is because polyps are too large to cause bowel or semi-bowel obstruction resulting in abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting or bowel movements.
Persistent diarrhea or constipation: This condition can last more than a week. The reason is that there are ulcerative polyps that cause irritable bowel syndrome, which is a symptom of frequent bowel movements or constipation.
The treatment for colon polyps
Although polyps are benign, they are not too dangerous, but they need to be treated early because they can develop into malignant if they are left for a long time and have a high risk of colon cancer.
Currently, there are 2 common treatments for polyps: open and laparoscopic surgery.
Open surgery
This is a traditional surgery method. The patient will have an abdominal surgery, then proceed to remove the polyps in the rectum.

Does Colon Colon Polyp Hurt? How To Cure Painless Polyps

This method has many advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: Open surgery will help doctors cut a lot of polyps in a surgery. This method also costs less than other modern methods.
Disadvantages: Cutting polyps with open surgery will have to be done by a long incision, causing patients pain, bleeding, even susceptible to infection if not handled correctly. In addition, open surgery is also easy to miss polyps if the surgeon's vision is limited.
Endoscopic surgery
This is a modern technique, widely applied today. Endoscopy is a modern method with many advantages but also many disadvantages.
Advantages: Colonoscopy requires only a small incision, minimally invasive, helping patients not feel pain or blood loss much. Small incisions also limit the risk of infection, shorten recovery time.

Does Colon Colon Polyp Hurt? How To Cure Painless Polyps

In addition, laparoscopic surgery with a flexible tube with a camera helps to clearly and fully observe the locations, avoiding missed colon polyps.
Disadvantages: Colonoscopy is usually only performed on small polyps. If the polyps are too large, the patient will not be able to perform surgery using this technique but must open surgery. In addition, laparoscopic surgery can not be processed once if polyps appear on a large scale but have to be performed multiple times. Moreover, laparoscopic surgery is usually more expensive than open surgery.
An endoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic procedure of colorectal polyps at Hopital Hospital
Endoscopic polyp cut.

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