Can Female Infertility Be Cured?

Infertility is an undesirable disease in both men and women, depending on the cause that there are different treatments for infertility for men and women. At present, the increasing female infertility rate makes infertile couples more and more. With the advancement of medicine, more and more effective discoveries for female infertility treatments have been discovered, lighting the hope for couples.
Supplement food properly
Women who are infertile should supplement some natural foods that contain vitamins for reproductive health. A diet that gives you the best opportunity to conceive must converge at least enough of the micronutrients that can increase fertility such as zinc, essential fatty acids (EFAs), Folic Acid, Vitamin E , Vitamin A, Vitamin C


The above micronutrients and vitamins in: soybeans, brown rice


Can Female Infertility Be Cured?

. contain lots of natural estrogen, or foods containing zinc such as egg white, oysters, beef ... .. are high in L-Arginine to help create semen Duplicate, great for people with low sperm density
For those who are infertile, restrict foods that are too fat, limit the use of foods that are too salty, or chilled.

Can Female Infertility Be Cured?

Avoid foods that reduce sexual function, reduce sperm count as stimulants.
Cure female infertility by surgical methods
Some well-known surgical methods such as surgery to remove uterine fibroids, orthopedic surgery to repair genital malformations; Eliminating endometriosis organizations ...
Cure female infertility with assisted reproductive measures
The medical industry has grown tremendously with a lot of achievements in treating infertility, supporting fertilization and conception. At Hopital General Hospital, with highly effective assisted reproductive technologies, there are many hopes for women with infertility problems such as:
- IUI: Pump sperm into the uterus, also known as artificial insemination. This method is indicated for cases of abnormalities in the cervix or slight stickiness of the wife's pelvis or unexplained infertility.

- IVF: This is a very complex technique often prescribed for cases of damage or obstruction of the ovaries.

Can Female Infertility Be Cured?

- IVM: In this technique, eggs are drawn from small cysts, and cultured in specialized environment to maturity. And subsequent stages such as sperm injection into eggs, culture and embryo transfer are performed as a normal in vitro fertilization cycle.
The techniques to support female fertility, treat infertility have been greatly improved, but to achieve the desired success, it is necessary to have a team of talented, experienced and professional doctors.
Obstetricians and gynecologists at Hopital General Hospital have been using this assisted reproductive technology for many years, with specialists with decades of experience in reproductive health care. and well-trained on infertility treatment, ensuring the most effective medical examination and treatment process..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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