Proper Hygiene For Babies

Taking care of little angels is truly a "ritual" for young parents. Because it is not only a routine cleaning job but also moments of communication between parents and children.
How to help your baby avoid skin diseases
Bathing is one of the simplest care ever since the baby is born cry. You should prepare a plastic bath tub, a small folding chair with foam cloth to put the baby when the mother's hand is tired. Water for bathing in summer or winter should be maintained at 37 degrees C, if the water is too hot will cause burns on the baby's skin

. Baby shower time should not exceed 5 minutes.
When she applied the lotion to the baby's skin, she rubbed it with her palms. Note, the towels must be clean, otherwise it will be the source of germs that cause parasites
For hair, it is necessary to use shampoo daily for the first 4 months to remove the skin.

Proper Hygiene For Babies

Gently rub the head with a suitable shampoo, then use a shower with warm water or a small, soft plastic beaker, gently rinse slowly over the baby's head.
Once all the procedures have been done, wrap the baby in a soft towel, wipe away any skin so that the moisture does not leave, and attack the baby's sensitive skin.
Clean up ‘private’
Buttock cleaning always comes with changing clothes. Regular cleaning of this area is great, helping protect the baby's skin, because the stool and urine contain acids and harmful bacteria.
Care should be taken to dry the baby's skin with a bath towel soaked with successive pats, paying special attention to the groin folds. Your baby's genital organs also need careful care.
For a girl, use a gauze pad or wet cotton cloth with no soap to use in all folds (including vaginal edges) and from the pussy to anus

For boys, rinsing with a soapless cotton swab or cotton swab will clean the penis as well as the first part of the foreskin.

Proper Hygiene For Babies

Do it gently, not too strong, avoid lifting the foreskin when your baby is less than 4 months old.
In case of redness and irritation, use an ointment or cleansing liquid to protect and soothe the epidermis of the buttock. Use high quality baby diapers so that you can be assured of your baby's skin in the most sensitive areas of the body.
Proper hygiene for babies
Change clothes
This task must be done 6-10 times / day in the first months with thorough manipulation. Clothes, gloves, foot covers, diapers ... need to be fully prepared and next to where the mother changes baby.

Proper Hygiene For Babies

Place your baby gently lying on the bed or diaper table, underneath, under a clean sanitary napkin. Open each diaper layer, first clean the buttocks and then fold the diaper under the buttocks. Then remove the dirty diaper, replace it with a clean diaper.
Note that when the diaper is tied, the knot must be higher than the belly button, for boys, it is necessary to put their ‘peppers’ under the knot so that they do not move upwards, causing the baby to hurt. While changing a diaper, do not leave the baby for a second and always hold the baby in one hand to prevent risky situations like baby wiggling and falling….
Hygiene umbilical cord
The umbilical cord itself loses itself in about 5-15 days. Many doctors recommend that mothers should pay attention to hygiene to the sensitive area, always let the air to fall quickly. Note that when the diaper is wrapped, don't touch the area and when the umbilical cord falls, the small scar will heal quickly.

Proper Hygiene For Babies

But when you see any abnormalities such as red umbilical cord, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.
Eye hygiene
At birth, the baby's eyes are very weak, eyelashes often stick in the morning. Use a sterile gauze (cotton) soaked in biological serum (physiological saline) to clean the baby's eyes, each side a separate piece. Start from the cleanest area to avoid eye contact with other areas.
Do not worry if you see white eyes, sometimes with little blood, which is not a symptom of infection. The reason is that the reduction of progesterone taken from the mother's body while still in the womb should disappear. For added peace of mind, you can consult your pediatrician.
Nasal hygiene
Regularly wipe the baby's nose with small sterile cotton pads, soaked in biological serum (physiological saline) on each nostril using a separate piece of sanitary cotton.

Proper Hygiene For Babies

Be very careful when putting the cotton pad deep into the nose, gently wringing to remove all the mucus. Children are not interested in this action.
Ear hygiene
For the ear, do not use sharp tools to clean the rim and middle ear. Choose a dry cotton wick, do it gently, gently, so as not to puncture your baby's eardrums. When handling, you need to hold the baby's head firmly to avoid baby wiggling, making hygiene unsafe.
Hygiene of nails
Check your baby's nail condition several times a week and get a manicure only at 1 month of age. If they are too long or broken, they need to fix their nails right away. Use very good nail clippers, round heads, avoid leaving excess nail pieces on either side of the nail, which can be the cause of infection and especially do not cut nails too short.

Proper Hygiene For Babies


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