Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods

Let's take a look at 10 calcium-rich foods for the body to help increase resistance, improve the immune system.
One cup of broccoli juice contains fairly large amounts of calcium as well as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, C and K, one of the effective anti-cancer ingredients.
Sea crab
High in protein, low in fat, its flesh contains a lot of zinc, vitamins C and A, which help strengthen bones and immunity for the body.
Recent research shows that consuming the right amount of zinc will help you increase your immunity and reduce the risk of respiratory infections

Eat one crab a week!
Improved chip
Chinese cabbage is rich in ingredients that help to supplement calcium, besides also providing vitamins A, C, folic acid, iron, beta carotin, and potassium to the body.
Potassium keeps muscles and nerves healthy, beta carotin reduces the risk of lung and bowel cancer. Add to your diet every day a cup of watercress or batter salad

In general, oysters and mussels are a good source of iron, selenium, potassium and calcium for the body, oysters are said to be the richest calcium booster.

Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods

Oysters also help increase homorne intake, help men become stronger in sex and fight prostate cancer. Oysters are not something you can eat regularly, but twice a week if possible, add five to your diet when you eat.
Bananas increase the concentration and sharpness of the mind. But its real benefits go beyond that: Providing potassium and electrolytes helps prevent bone degradation and increase the body's calcium levels to a reasonable level.
Bananas also help increase the sensitivity of the nervous system, increase immunity and metabolism of the body. A few bananas a day really will help you regain energy quickly after stressful working hours or after tired morning exercise.
Like bananas, kiwi is also a potassium-rich fruit that protects bones
Kiwi also contains vitamin C and lutein, carotin reduces the risk of heart disease.

Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods

Try to eat at least 1 or 2 fruits per week after exercise, you will feel energized. Remember not to peel, kiwi peel is edible and very nutritious.
Helps strengthen muscles, rich in vitamin K and helps reduce fractures effectively. Spinach is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and selenium which helps to protect the liver. The carotenoid neoxanthin component in spinach can kill prostate cancer cells while beta carotin eliminates colon cancer cells.
Eat a bowl of cooked spinach or two bowls of fresh spinach, 4 times a week.
Leeks contain many vitamins that help boost energy (vitamins found in eggs, milk, and green vegetables), calcium and potassium. It is also rich in folic acid foods, B vitamins.

Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods

Cut leeks into sections for salads, soups or stir-fries.
Artichoke tree
This fiber-rich plant contains more manganese and potassium than any other vegetable. Its leaves also contain many components that help reduce the risk of stroke and vitamin C helps maintain the immune system. Eat as often as possible, you can cook or use as tea, juice smoothies.
Purple prunes are rich in copper and bauxite, both of which help prevent bone aging. They also contain fiber, inulin which helps the stomach digest food more easily. Eating about 4-5 fruits a day will help strengthen the strength of bones and increase vitality..

Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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