Tinnitus In The Elderly

Tinnitus is a noise like a ringing or buzzing sound that you can hear, but the noise does not come from outside the ear, but may be from within one ear or both ears or even not knowing they are coming. from where.
The effects of tinnitus
Many people have only mild tinnitus, which is not too bad. However, about 1 in 100 people with tinnitus seriously affects the quality of life. In some cases tinnitus is related to another problem

. For example, it is common for elderly people who are deaf to age to develop tinnitus. However, there are many ways that can make tinnitus less invasive and troublesome.
There are many types of sounds that are really annoying when you have ringing in the ears, which can be like bells, whistling sounds, buzzing, whistles, roaring, noises, mechanical noises, etc
These noises can persist continuously or come and go, which can increase the rhythm over time.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

Sometimes the person feels very uncomfortable when the sounds come from inside one ear and then both ears and sometimes tortures the patient's mind when it is impossible to find out where the sound is coming from.
Quiet times are the times when people with tinnitus feel the most uncomfortable, because then the intensity of the sound increases and disturbs the resting moments such as when relaxing, when going to bed or when you are feeling sick. Feeling tired needs rest, the noise will torment you again.
When you have tinnitus, you become more sensitive than others to the sounds around you. You will simply feel uncomfortable or even experience pain when listening to the sound from the speakers, the TV is being kept at a normal sound level. You will find it very troublesome to go to crowded places and to play many different types of sounds. Even then you will become irritable, tired and avoid going out or going to a crowded place

What has caused tinnitus
Many elderly people suffer from tinnitus without finding the cause.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

The process of sound transmission is explained as the signals that are transmitted from the nerves of the ear to the hearing part of the brain. The brain recognizes which signals are noise and is what causes the brain to transmit these noises to the ear. Noise may also originate elsewhere in the auditory nerve in the brain.
Specifically, the following causes of tinnitus in the elderly:
- Developing at the same time with hearing loss in the elderly.
- Exposure to very loud noises. Some people develop persistent tinnitus after suffering from loud noise for a long time. For example, after many years working in a big factory. Sometimes permanent tinnitus persists after a loud noise experience.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

For example, after a rock concert.
- A common side effect for some medications. For example, aspirin and quinine.
- After an ear or head injury.
- Some other ear disorders like sclerosis.
- A number of common diseases of the blood vessels, brain, or nerves can cause tinnitus. In these cases you may have other symptoms or signs such as nervous weakness, etc. However, rarely, tinnitus may be the first symptom to develop.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

Tinnitus can sometimes be a feature of an iron deficiency in the body (anemia), thyroid disease or diabetes.
A tumor called a sound neuroma sometimes causes tinnitus, which usually lasts long and only in one ear. If you feel the noise is coming from only one ear, you should see your doctor for a check.
- Ear infections: Tinnitus tends to be clear when the ear is infected.
- Psychological factors may have an influence on tinnitus. For example, mild tinnitus will make you more uncomfortable if you are experiencing psychological problems such as depression, anxiety or stress.
Home solution for people with tinnitus
In fact, it is difficult to find out the exact cause of tinnitus in the elderly, so the complete cure of this disease also faces a number of difficulties and in most cases. The disease is not cured.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

However, there are certain measures to help tinnitus does not affect too much life.
- If the doctor concludes that you have tinnitus due to the side effects of some medications, the treatment becomes simpler, when you stop taking the medicine and replace it with other medicines, the situation will become comfortable. than. Antidepressant medications also work to treat if depression causes tinnitus symptoms.
- For quite annoying sounds that linger in your ears, it's best to avoid being home alone in a completely quiet space, you will easily focus on those annoying noises and suffer from it. completely if you have nothing else to listen to. So open the window so that the outside sound can come in, wear a music player or listen to television or radio. Pleasant sounds can help alleviate tinnitus.

Tinnitus In The Elderly

Wear a small music player, to balance the sound and distract your ears. Practice getting used to tinnitus, over time you will become accustomed to the sounds and feel more comfortable.
- When going to bed is also a quiet time you need to drop yourself in.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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