5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

Here are snacks that can be harmful to your baby, even though they are familiar and loved. If you can't say no to your baby's feeding habits, you should consider when and how much to feed, to ensure your baby's health.
Made from high-fat meat, sausages rich in energy but low in nutrition, not good for everyone's health in general and the development of babies in particular. In sausages there are chemicals, additives, preservatives, forcing the liver to work hard to detoxify the body. Eat more sausages (as well as processed foods), your baby can fall into three conditions:
- Excess energy leads to obesity, susceptibility to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer

- Children eat hot dogs, which leads to anorexia of other foods, causing malnutrition

- Persistent digestive disorders.

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

In addition, many of the peddled sausages are of unclear origin, made from rancid meat in private establishments that lack food safety and hygiene.
Young children love eating sausages but they are not healthy
Made from milk, ice cream also has certain nutritional values. However, some types of ice cream contain nuts, artificial colors or flavoring agents ... not safe for babies. Ice cream is bought from a disinfection store, you can rest assured, but sold in street vendors may be infected with bacteria, causing diarrhea, even poisoning when eating

Babies should only eat ice cream when they are 4 years old.

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

If your baby is less than one year old, you absolutely must not feed, because their immune system is weak, a cold cream can also cause a sore throat. In addition, the cream can stick to the tongue and melt inside the mouth will make your baby very uncomfortable, easy to roll.
Eating ice cream is not good for your baby's teeth. Most babies' sucking habits when eating ice cream can damage teeth or erode tooth enamel, which can even cause minor fractures in the teeth.
Just sweet and like a colorful toy, lollipops are especially appealing to babies. But looking at the ingredients that make up the candy, you'll see it's just sweeteners, coloring, aromas and no vitamins, no minerals, no calcium, no iron ...

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

almost no nutritional value .
Like other types of candy, lollipops are high in sugar, which is very harmful to teeth, they are prone to tooth decay if they do not gargle or brush their teeth clean. If you eat candies before a meal, your baby will be upset, no longer craving so it is difficult to complete the main meal.
In addition, many children suck on lollipops and run around, very dangerous because the plastic stick can slip at any time and stab into baby's meat. So when feeding children lollipop, parents need to keep an eye on them.
Snack (snack)
A 35g snack pack contains 2.5 tablespoons of oil. If you eat a snack a day, your baby's body will absorb about 5 liters of oil a year.

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

High-temperature snack that produces isomeric fat. If the percentage of fat is from 5% to 10% or more of the total fat of the daily diet for a person, it will lead to cardiovascular health problems, hypertension.
Bim bim contains lots of oil and salt if you eat a lot, it will cause disease
Snack also contains salt and sugar. The salt in snack affects kidney function and the sugar has the risk of type 2 diabetes. Babies eat a lot of snacks and drink plenty of water leading to bloating and anorexia. Therefore, do not give your baby a lot of snacks, avoid obesity and unhealthy.
The main ingredient of jelly is carrageenan - a biopolymer extracted from cartilage plants and other types of algae, which have certain benefits for bowel function, but overeating will make it difficult for the body to absorb. mineral collection.

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

There are also water, sugar, sodium alginate emulsifier, agar powder, flavoring ... Sodium alginate and agar belong to fiber type but eating too much will affect the absorption of fat and protein for the body.
Jelly is inherently slippery, often produced in cylinders, when eating people or peeling off the outer shell and squeezing at the tip of the jelly, the jelly will be pushed out very quickly and strongly. Many children were pushed into the mouth by a piece of jelly, suddenly drifting into the throat, so it broke the object, causing asphyxiation. Soft jelly so when drifting down the airway is easy to change shape, cling to the airway so can cause instant death of patients. Not to mention, when using the jelly picker is also very easy to cause debris, these debris continue to fall deeply into the airway, making it difficult for emergencies.

5 Harmful Snacks Your Baby Should Stay Away From

As a precaution, it is best not to give jellyfish under 5 years of age because the baby's airway reflexes are not complete, so they are prone to choking. For older children, if feeding, use a small spoon of jelly pieces, fertilize your baby slowly. When a baby has a jelly stone, absolutely do not use the hand to hook the baby's throat, avoid the risk of making the object deeper, or may scratch the throat, causing edema that makes it harder to breathe.
In case the baby is pale, stop breathing, first aid by tilting his head to the ground and using his hands to pat the back of the object so that the object will pass through the glottis, it will be easier for him to breathe. Then take the baby to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment right away..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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