Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

Children with unexplained fever are a common problem in children. In these cases, what parents need to do to identify and respond promptly, let us find out right below.
Fever is a phenomenon that the body temperature will rise higher than normal. The child's unexplained fever will make parents more or less worried because the unknown cause has not been determined yet. By clearly identifying the causes and taking prompt measures to help parents take care of their children properly and quickly recover

Body temperature when a child has a fever with no known cause
Parents should only give children fever-reducing medicines when their body temperature is up to 38.5 - 39 degrees C. At this time, the child is often tired, anorexia, irritable and fussy

Fever is the body's way of fighting infections (germs, parasites, etc.

Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

). There are also cases of non-infectious fevers such as vaccinations, teething or unexplained causes.
High or low temperature does not reflect the severity or severity of illness. Sometimes a high fever is not necessarily a serious illness.
However, when the child has a fever of ≥ 39 degrees C, the baby is often tired and fussy. When the fever is> 41 degrees Celsius, your body will show signs of seizures, brain damage is extremely dangerous.
The main causes of fever
Here are a few key reasons why a child with parental fever needs to know for the most effective treatment:
- Fever due to overheating: Parents often wear many layers of clothes because they think they are cold, especially babies
This habit easily causes fever due to the newborn's body's inability to regulate heat completely.

Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

- Fever due to immunization: After children vaccinate against diseases such as tetanus, measles, whooping cough, etc., there are often signs of fever.
- Teething fever: When you are about to teething, you will cry a lot, anorexia with mild fever in a short time. Children often have a fever after teething.
- Fever due to heat stroke: Hot weather is one of the common causes of fever in children and adults.
- Fever from the flu: This is the most common cause. Your baby will be accompanied by symptoms such as cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat with fever for 2-3 days.
- Fever due to ear infections: High fever with signs such as anorexia, earache, purulent discharge, unknown hearing.

Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

Babies who are not able to speak will have clear signs: pulling ears, picking fingers into ears.
- Dengue fever: Children have signs of dengue fever such as: petechiae in the skin, nose and leg bleeding. The child has a high fever for 3 days; heavier than the baby will go black feces, abdominal pain, cold limbs, tired body.
- Measles fever: High fever accompanied by other signs, such as runny nose, high cough, and red eyes. From the fourth day, baby's skin appears measles rash, especially on the face.
- Pneumonia fever: Children often have high fever, wheezing, coughing, vomiting, and not eating and drinking. If heavier, the baby's lips and legs will turn pale
- Rash fever: Fever comes with a rash throughout the body, the baby will recover after 3-7 days.
- Meningococcal fever: Signs of meningitis fever are often accompanied by stiff neck, bulging fontanel, vomiting, fatigue, sleeplessness and sensitivity to sunlight.

Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

- Fever due to sepsis: High fever constantly, infection, vomiting, rapid breathing, refusal to eat, possible rash ...
How to care for children with unexplained fever
According to the pediatrician, when the child has a fever, parents can reduce the fever at home with some of the methods below. However, when the fever is too high and the body shows signs of abnormalities, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
- Drink plenty of fluids: Help your child replenish the water lost due to fever. If the baby is breastfeeding, the mother should breastfeed to increase resistance.
- Wear cool clothes: Mother should take off clothes, warm blankets to reduce body heat, help reduce fever effectively.

Children With Fever Of Unknown Cause What Should Parents Do?

- Taking antipyretic drugs: If the fever is over 39 degrees, give your child paracetamol at a dose of 10-15 mg / kg of body weight / time, take every 4-6 hours if fever is still present. If your baby is unable to drink due to vomiting or sleeping, parents can take fever-reducing tablets and put them in the anus.
- Cool the baby's body with warm water: Mix warm water as a baby bath, then dip the towel and place in 2 armpits and 2 groin, 1 body towel for 30-45 minutes. Parents need to change towels soaked in warm water continuously until their body temperature decreases. Warm water evaporates and dilates blood vessels, helping children to reduce fever quickly.
- Take a warm bath: Put your baby in a basin of warm water, then wash the whole body for 5-7 minutes and then wipe dry and wear cool clothes..

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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