Anorexia Babies – How To Overcome The Most Effective?

Use all tactics to entice children to eat, from making games to attract the attention of children, watching ads on TV to eating street, playing animals ... but children still do not eat or refuse to swallow. This is a headache for parents, for fear of anorexia children will be malnourished, retarded

Many people think that anorexia is a common condition, and every child is the same, but scientists have found a number of causes for this condition and have specific remedies.
What makes anorexic children?
Due to the diet: This is a phenomenon that parents do not often change the food, causing boredom for children. At the same time, the diet does not meet the needs such as: children only eat vegetable juice, gravy, bone broth without feeding the female, for a long time leads to a shortage of nutrients

Parents do not often change dishes that cause boredom for children
In addition, wrong cooking methods such as feeding children pureed food until 2-3 years old; mix powder into milk, make milk too thick, make milk with porridge or broth, make it hard for children to digest; Mixing the dough too thick when your baby is learning to wean .

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

.. is also the causes that make children afraid to eat. And the baby food miles too early (before they turn 6 months) or eat rice too early (while children do not have enough teeth to chew rice) ...
Three-effect formula for children with anorexia
Firstly: Improve the digestive status in children by providing digestive enzymes that help decompose, digest all the food in the baby's stomach, empty the digestive tract, make children feel fast hungry
The use of digestive enzymes should only be taken in batches of about 10 days and stop as soon as there are clear results.

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

Secondly: Quickly recover and stimulate the child's taste buds by feeding foods rich in minerals such as zinc, iron, various dishes to help children have a better appetite and a better appetite.
Thirdly: Enhance nutrient absorption by eating foods high in vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruits) and essential amino acids (high-protein foods) or supplemented by an oral supplement. number of nutritional enhancement products suitable for children, with infant snacks, yogurt, and fresh milk for older children.
Psychological: This is the phenomenon that some children react to their parents when they feel compelled, abandoned, confined or deceived. Parents take actions such as: forcing babies to bottle while just like to breastfeed; forcing children to sit down to eat from the beginning to the end of the meal; force children to finish their diet in a fixed time; put medicine into food, milk ...
Due to medical conditions and drugs: Due to malnutrition of children, acute infections (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis .

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

..) and viral or dental diseases (cavities, gingivitis), intestinal disorders . In particular, when using some medications to treat the disease can cause temporary anorexia for children.
Children with dental disease (cavities, gingivitis) can cause temporary anorexia
Due to physiology: A phenomenon that is still healthy but naturally eating less for a few days to a few weeks. These times often coincide with the time when the baby can be flipped, sitting, standing, walking ...

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

After that, the child returns to normal eating and drinking.
Due to parental psychology: Because parents are too worried about their child's growth. When children find that they eat less than children of the same age, many people think that children are anorexia even though they still gain weight and increase good height.
In fact, the amount of nutrients in a family's meals is different, so it cannot be just quantified.
Unable to identify the cause: In these children, because the cause was not identified in the first place, but later on, anorexia, eating less than needed to be provided, the child may be malnourished. .
These babies are born only sleeping, playing but never demanding to breastfeed (also known as congenital anorexia).
Remedy for anorexic children
Diversified meal design, suitable for ages: Parents need to design meals by the month of age, do not give children too much or too little food, do not give children a monotonous food, so change dishes frequently, alternately new food and old food they love.

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

Feed your baby slowly to develop chewing muscles and can eat solid foods when he has 20 full teeth (usually after 24 months of age). When feeding babies should focus, should not eat while playing ...
Do not force children to eat: Parents need to be calm and patiently find out why they do not eat. Absolutely should not scold, intimidate ...

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

Avoid actions such as pushing the baby to pour food, beating the baby to swallow ..., all coercion can lead to the opposite effect that parents themselves can not foresee. If the child is still developing normally, that means a sufficient amount of food is provided.
Avoid actions such as pushing your baby to pour food, beating him to swallow
When children use the drug: children need to eat more meals, processed food liquid and softer, easier to digest, delicious taste, taste.
Combined with meals, children need to drink enough water, especially milk, sugary drinks to provide energy, vitamins and minerals during the time they are sick. Add micronutrients that children are at risk.

Anorexia Babies - How To Overcome The Most Effective?

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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