Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

Tonsils and VA curettage are not very complicated medical interventions but worry many families. Therefore, providing attention to Admidan / VA surgery and preparing parents' thoughts is very important for parents to feel secure, make the surgery easier for both children and people. Dear.
Understand correctly about tonsillitis / VA
Currently, tonsillitis and VA are common diseases in the ear, nose and throat. In particular, the sudden change of weather, the temperature difference between day and night is a favorable condition for viruses, harmful bacteria to enter the body through the nose or mouth, affecting the organization

. nasopharynx leads to tonsillitis / VA.
Tonsils are a flesh-like structure, often inflamed when an infection or virus becomes overloaded, causing them to swell and become inflamed while VA is the lymphoid organization in the nasopharynx, often inflamed to become masses. interferes with breathing air

Symptoms are common in admidan and VA inflammation
Symptoms of tonsillitis
- Acute tonsillitis often has a fever of 38-39 degrees Celsius, tired people, anorexia, painful swallowing sensations, a sharp throbbing in the ear .

Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

- Chronic tonsillitis often manifests itself as a minor fever, itching and throat irritation, swallowing, often spitting due to discharge, bad breath, dry cough ...
- Severe chronic tonsillitis leads to wheezing, snoring at night, sometimes difficult to breathe and can cause sleep apnea in young children.
Symptoms of VA infection
- Acute VA often results in children having a fever of 38-39 degrees Celsius, runny nose, stuffy nose, crying, poor appetite, bad breath

- Chronic VA inflammation causes children to suffer from a runny nose or long stuffy nose, sometimes completely stuffy and having to breathe through their mouth.

Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

Complications from tonsillitis / VA if intervention is delayed
Complications from tonsillitis often lead to bronchitis, otitis media, chronic laryngitis. In addition, if the intervention is delayed, it will cause skull growth, abscess in the throat or sinusitis.
Complications from VA inflammation leading to pus lymphadenitis, otitis media, septicemia or acute rheumatic fever such as polyarthritis, myocarditis or glomerulonephritis
Note before, during, and after surgery
Before surgery
About 7-10 days before surgery, be careful not to give your child anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Indomethacin and Naproxen without a doctor's prescription. Especially follow the instructions about the deadline for children to be allowed to eat and drink before going to the hospital for surgery. Note that after this time absolutely do not let children eat or drink anything. Note that if your child has eaten or drank close to the scheduled time for surgery, the doctor may request that the surgery be postponed or rescheduled.
Discuss carefully with your doctor about paracetamol antipyretics at home for the postoperative period and need to create a cool, quiet space for the baby to rest, creating the most comfortable feeling for the child.
Diet before surgery:
- For children under 12 months of age should give formula milk 6 hours before the appointment of the doctor.

Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

For example, when a doctor asks your baby to be at the hospital at 8 am, give the baby last formula milk at 2 am.
- For children of all ages: Do not eat or drink anything for 6 hours before surgery.
In surgery
Tonsillectomy and VA is performed by anesthesia. Typically, an operation is performed in about 30-60 minutes and should be carefully monitored throughout the surgery.
After surgery
After surgery, the windpipe will be withdrawn and the child will continue to be monitored in the postoperative room until he is alert enough to switch to the regular ward. However, having a child awake after anesthesia can have a variety of reactions, including crying, confusion, stomach discomfort, or nausea. These are normal reactions and need follow-up to inform the doctor of any unusual problems that occur.
Some symptoms of VA scrapes should be noted such as difficulty swallowing, pain or stiffness in the neck due to surgery.

Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

In particular, children often feel pain in the throat, discomfort in the first few days, the most painful around the 2nd day then can be lessened, 7 days after that the wound will close to the desert and completely healed after 2 week.
Injury: There will be signs of healing within 10 days of interventions, but the process is slow and sometimes delayed by infection. After this point, the child's diet may be restored.
Pain relief measures: After surgery, your doctor may prescribe a number of analgesic preparations such as paracetamol, but mothers should be careful not to give children when hungry because there is a risk of increased nausea or vomiting after surgery. In particular, be advised not to take ibuprofen within 2 weeks after surgery as the medication usually increases the risk of bleeding. In addition, mothers can perform some gentle methods to help children relieve pain such as warm compresses, gentle rotation of the neck.
Selecting tonsillectomy / VA surgery
In addition to things to note in the tonsil / VA surgery, it is very important for the mother to discuss with the doctor to apply the technique to the baby. At Hopital Hospital, tonsillectomy / VA surgery with Plasma technology is the method that many mothers believe in.

Things To Note In The Tonsils And Va Surgery

This is the method of applying energy waves from radio frequencies to p.

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