A Simple And Effective Cure For Strep Throat

Acute aspiration is a common disease, almost everyone has even had the disease has become chronic, difficult to cure. Sore throat is usually not dangerous, but persistent, annoying and uncomfortable for patients in communication and activities.
What is acute gingivitis?
Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the throat and pharynx caused by bacteria or viruses, causing a sore throat. Acute pharyngitis has a rapid onset of spasm over a short period of time throughout the year, usually occurring during the transition season when the weather changes erratically.
Acute pharyngitis manifests itself in three forms: red, pharyngitis, and sore throat, necrosis

Sore throat: congestion of the entire pharynx mucosa caused by the virus, usually as an early manifestation of viral diseases spread through the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
+ Often headache, fever
+ Red mucous membrane inflammation
Acute sore throat makes people feel tired, uncomfortable
White throat infection: Appears a white or grayish film covering the infected mucosa (superficial inflammation). Expressed in 3 forms:
+ Acute tonsillitis is a common form of a red throat, but on the surface A is speckled or has a white or gray film, very easy to peel, just use a cotton swab to peel it

+ Pharyngitis with pseudomembranous: There is a white or light gray, sticky, tough, bleeding layer when peeling off
+ Sore throat with blisters: blisters or shallow blisters on the mucous membrane of red throat
Ulcerative sore throat, necrosis: one or more ulcers appear on the mucous membrane of the throat.

A Simple And Effective Cure For Strep Throat

Note when acute pharyngitis
Depending on the cause of the disease, the disease will have different treatments. The use of treatment should follow the instructions, indications of the doctor. Absolutely not arbitrarily buy and use drugs at the discretion of close friends, making the disease worse, even leading to dangerous complications.
However, during the illness, you can also reduce the condition by using foods that are beneficial to the disease and avoiding the factors that make it worse.
Things to do:
+ Rest and keep your body warm, especially the neck, chest and soles of the feet
Drink plenty of water and eat soft or liquid foods because they work to reduce mucosal irritations, help to reduce cough and sore throat.
+ Use lots of honey and ginger. Honey and ginger are also great for patients with sore throats, so you should eat foods, drinks containing ginger and drink more honey during the illness

+ Take a warm bath in a closed room and take a shower afterward to wipe dry before dressing.

A Simple And Effective Cure For Strep Throat

When suffering from acute pharyngitis you should limit fried, hot spicy food
Things to avoid when suffering from acute pharyngitis:
During a sore throat, if you do not abstain, take reasonable care of the disease, it is easy to get worse and difficult to treat. Things you should avoid during a sore throat like:
+ Eat hard, crunchy foods: like crackers, dry cereals, nuts.
Eat spicy foods like fried or fried foods because these foods can irritate your throat, making sore throats worse.
+ Eat fruits with high acid content such as orange, grapefruit, lemon.
Foods that can cause throat allergies such as peanuts (peanuts), spicy foods, or very hot foods.
+ Wine and caffeine. You should avoid both because they irritate your throat.
In addition, you also need to keep good oral hygiene, helping to limit the penetration of bacteria into the throat and pharynx.

A Simple And Effective Cure For Strep Throat

Simple and effective cure for sore throat
There are a number of effective folk remedies for sore throat as follows:
When you have a sore throat, gargle with salt water to ease a sore throat
- Drink tea and honey: Mix one teaspoon of honey in a cup of tea and add half a lemon. This solution will help you quickly relieve pain in the throat, the patient will feel extremely comfortable.
- Mango and filtered water: take 125ml of boiled water and mix with 10ml of mango juice and use this solution to gargle daily to work very well for your sore throat.
- Gargle with salt water. This is a simple but effective way for all patients with sore throat. Evenly gargle with salt water, you will see the disease quickly advises reducing and giving you a much better feeling.
If you find that these methods do not help you or your illness tends to get worse, you need to quickly go to the clinic and hospital for examination and treatment.
Department of Ear-Nose-Throat Hopital General Hospital is known for its modern equipment and high quality surgical services, along with experienced doctors, always ready to serve and consult.

A Simple And Effective Cure For Strep Throat

for patients. The comfort, speed and efficiency that the Hopital team will bring to our customers will hopefully make you feel truly satisfied..

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