Signs Of Pregnancy Need To Know

During the last weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women should carefully monitor the changes of the body to detect early signs of labor and promptly go to health facilities to prepare for giving birth.
What will happen before labor?
During labor, the pregnant mother will encounter some of the following signs:
The cervix begins to dilate: About 2-4 weeks before birth, the uterus starts to "descend" because the fetus gets lower into the mother's pelvis and pushes the cervix to make the cervix thin and open. This will continue for the remaining weeks until the date of birth.
Vaginal fluid: Because the cervix is open, more mucus is produced. You may also see bloody secretions

Back pain: If you are one of the women who often suffers from premenstrual back pain, you may have back pain a few days before giving birth. Back pain that signals labor in dullness in the lower back. It is a sign that the cervix is soft and "ripe" preparing for the birth of the baby

When pregnant, it is often easier to feel lower back pain than usual
Feeling like your baby is going to fall like this is about to fall: This is called abdominal pain.

Signs Of Pregnancy Need To Know

The fetus no longer presses on the diaphragm but drops down into the pelvis to prepare for birth.
Broken: If you belong to the 10% of mothers who have an early amniotic rupture, you will feel the colorless, odorless water. If the liquid is black, green, bloody or smelly, you need to pay attention immediately. Most babies will be born within 24 hours to prevent infection.
Stage 1 of labor
The real contractions appear. Mild to moderate contractions occur every 5-30 minutes, lasting up to 90 seconds at each contraction. They will peak in intensity but then diminish until the end, contractions will be frequent and longer
Doctors recommend that you know how to recognize contractions when preparing to give birth as spasms about 5 minutes apart, each lasting 60 seconds and takes about 1 hour.

Signs Of Pregnancy Need To Know

Labor begins. Contractions occur every few minutes, the amniotic sac can burst. Should use breathing techniques and pain relief tips such as walking, sitting, standing ... if desired. This phase may last several hours.
The stage of labor requires monitoring the frequency and length of uterine contractions
Mother's body is ready.

Signs Of Pregnancy Need To Know

The cervix is open about 10cm. Severe contractions that can last up to 90 seconds, once every 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This is the most painful phase but also the shortest, lasting 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Stage 2-3 of labor
+ Stage 2: Birth
Pushing to push is the main "thing" of this stage. The uterus contractions push the baby to move outside. If pushing - pushing fails, the mother may require a caesarean section. The mother feels a burning sensation when the baby's head goes out. Most cases of episiotomy are a way to help support a normal birth.

Signs Of Pregnancy Need To Know

This phase may take 20 minutes to 2 hours.
+ Stage 3: Pushing each other
Mild contractions continue. 5-30 minutes after birth, spasms help push each other out. You may feel pain for a few days when your uterus contracts.
Please pay attention and go to the hospital right away when you start to see these signs!.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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