The Dangerous Pathology When Zinc Deficiency In Children

Zinc is a micronutrients that play a very important role in the development of children. Therefore, zinc deficiency will cause many dangerous diseases.
Clinical manifestations when zinc deficiency
Mild and moderate zinc deficiency is quite common. Can be noticed on some of the following specific manifestations:
Malnutrition: growth retardation, mild and moderate malnutrition, height growth retardation, decreased lactation .

Gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders: children with impaired energy consumption such as anorexia or decreased appetite, reduced feeding, no fish meat consumption, indigestion, mild constipation, nausea and prolonged vomiting in children, sadness vomiting and vomiting (morning sickness) in pregnant women.
Zinc deficiency causes eye, skin and intellectual problems of children
Psychological and neurological disorders: sleep disorders (trouble sleeping, sleeplessness), waking several times during the night, prolonged night crying; nervous breakdown (headache, irritable nerves, decreased memory); emotional disorders (apathy, apathy, depression, mood swings, etc
) It can also impair brain activity, disability, cerebral palsy, sluggish dreaminess, paranoia, speech loss, taste and olfactory disorders, mental retardation motor .

The Dangerous Pathology When Zinc Deficiency In Children

Impaired immunity: recurrent infections in the respiratory tract (nasopharyngitis, recurrent bronchitis), gastrointestinal inflammation, dermatitis, burn acne, pustules, mucositis.
Epithelial lesions: dry skin, dermatitis of the front of the lower extremities, pigmentation, peeling of the skin, hyperkeratosis and lateral cracked heels, oral mucositis, glossitis, long-healing wounds, allergies, dystrophy nails, inflammatory nails, brittle hair, brittle hair.
Eye damage: photophobia, loss of ability to adapt to darkness, night blindness, night blindness, dry eyes, corneal ulcers.
Itchy skin: the symptoms are accompanied by difficult wounds and ‘rice grains’ on nails. This is caused by a lack of zinc, which helps create new cells and enzymes and is also needed for wound healing

Zinc should be added to the diet for cases
People who need increased zinc requirement; Congenital or chronic diseases that cause zinc deficiency.

The Dangerous Pathology When Zinc Deficiency In Children

Frequent stressors, diabetes, sickle cell disease, psoriasis, allergies, alcoholism, alcoholic cirrhosis, liver failure, acute hepatitis, chronic kidney disease, malignant blood disease, infection chronic (tuberculosis, AIDS).
Children rickets, malnutrition should be supplemented with zinc
Children with disabilities who suffer from malnutrition such as cerebral palsy, weight loss, muscle atrophy, low blood albumin, serious illnesses (surgery, trauma); anorexia, malnutrition children ...
Clinical manifestations when selenium deficiency
Easy infection: this is a symptom that happens often, when the body is deficient in selenium - a substance that enhances immunity - protects cells from damage and can help fight cancer. Selenium is also important for male fertility. Experts claim everyone needs selenium supplements.
Skin pigmentation is gradually losing.

The Dangerous Pathology When Zinc Deficiency In Children

Other cases of selenium deficiency include keshan disease, a major heart disorder mainly in children and women of reproductive age. Keshan disease occurs in some parts of China, where selenium in soil is very low.
Selenium deficiency can cause heart disorders and muscle disease. However, there are not many cases of severe selenium deficiency. More often, the lack of selenium in the long-term diet is the risk of cancer, heart disease and immunodeficiency, the body is sensitive to major oxidative damage, changes in thyroid hormone metabolism, are affected. worse when infected with mercury, changes in the activity of enzymes, changes in biological structure and increased glutathione levels.
Based on clinical characteristics, depending on the severity of the disease, it can be divided into four categories: acute, subacute, chronic and latent..

The Dangerous Pathology When Zinc Deficiency In Children

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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