9 Health Checkups

Eyes Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by three reasons: One is sleep deprivation, the second is your skin is getting thinner and clearer due to age. This means the blood vessels are becoming more prominent, more noticeable. Third, the blood vessels are too close to the skin surface. If the dark circles under the eyes appear suddenly, it's probably a sign of allergy. Swollen and bloated eye bags are a sign of problematic sweat glands

. Eat less fat and salt; Limit smoking and fried foods to the maximum.
Action: Do not rub, rub the eye area because it can cause eye infection. When the eyes are itchy, wash them with diluted tea water
If the eye bags are swollen, keep a diet journal to determine the exact cause.

9 Health Checkups

If your body is still flexible, it means that the ligaments and joints are still working well and the risk of breaking or swelling is minimized. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs and try to touch your fingertips. If this is too easy then be assured, your body is completely healthy. Action: yoga, flexing and swimming exercises help strengthen the muscular flexibility faster than all rest and relaxation. In a nutshell, you only need 5 minutes a day for muscle strengthening exercises.
Flexibility of the body proves that your joints and muscles are still healthy
Check your cholesterol level
When there is a thin white line around the pupil, it is a sign that the level of cholesterol in the blood is at an alarming level. Another warning signal is small yellow spots on the inside of the eyelids or around the eyes

Action: You need to reconsider your diet: eat less fat and fried foods, increase whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

9 Health Checkups

Nail condition
You can know the condition of some organs in the body through the expression of the nails. For example, if there are thin or broken horizontal lines running through the nail, it is a sign that you are very sick and very ill. Because when you are sick, the growth rate of your nails will be affected and will slow down. As a result, horizontal lines or broken lines appear on the foundation.
White spots on the nails, although this is a fairly common and common condition, these are simple injuries and not due to calcium deficiency as many people think. This is because the hands are soaked in water or exposed to poor quality cleaning solutions.
Nail condition reflects the health of many organs in the body
If the nail is pale and pinched, it is usually because the body is lack of iron. If around the nail, the skin becomes red, soft and appears swollen, it is usually due to an infection.

9 Health Checkups

Something sharp has been pinned under the nail and caused minor damage.
Action: Always take care to keep nails clean and dry. Humidity is an ideal condition for bacteria to grow. Wear gloves when you wash dishes or garden. 2 times a day should use lotion. Take your vitamin regularly.
Red, swollen gums that begin to bleed when exposed to light can be a sign of serious illness. The problem is that the bacteria that cause gingivitis enter the bloodstream and travel to all parts of the body.

9 Health Checkups

Researchers have demonstrated a link between gum disease and heart attacks.
Action: If you take good care of the small lesions in the mouth area, especially the gums that continue to bleed and the wound does not heal, you need to see a doctor immediately.
Gum disease has been linked to heart attacks
Get fingerprints by dipping your finger into specialized ink or charcoal and pressing on a sheet of paper. If the simple fingerprint lines have a round shape, then your health is no problem. If the fingerprint lines are tangled and cross-shaped, then you need to check your blood pressure.
Now observe the palm. The researchers found that people with long and narrow palms were more likely to have blood pressure than those with wide palms.
The fingers
Get a cup full of cold water (you can add ice) and dip your fingers for 30 seconds.

9 Health Checkups

If your fingers turn white or blue, your blood circulation is not very good. The sudden drop in temperature (or stress) often causes constriction of the blood vessels, which affects the blood supply to the fingers, toes, nose and ears. As a result, these parts of the body don't get the blood they need and lead to frostbite.
Action: If your blood circulation is poor, avoid sudden changes in temperature, cold seasons should wear socks and gloves. If you smoke, quit immediately because nicotine negatively affects the blood circulation in the body.
The skin usually dries with age and this is normal. But if it becomes more pale, rough, and peeling off than normal, it may be associated with an underactive thyroid. Some other common symptoms such as: rapid weight gain, becoming apathetic.

9 Health Checkups

The thyroid gland produces thyroxin hormone, which aids in the functioning of the cortex. Can see memory greatly affected if lack th.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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