Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

Disturbed metabolism will greatly affect the functioning of organs in the body and these organs will not be able to perform their inherent functions, making your health significantly reduced. go.
Here are 6 habits that have a negative effect on metabolism.
1. Breakfast is not right
You already know that people who eat breakfast well are less likely to gain weight than those who skip breakfast

. However, that is only partially true. If you choose foods that are not suitable for breakfast, it can even affect the digestive process. For example, if you eat too much greasy food at breakfast, you may interfere with digestion and metabolism

When metabolism slows down, it is difficult to convert sugar from the bloodstream into cells into energy.

Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

And then maybe you always feel hungry even when you're not physically active.
Solution: Breakfast should be balanced with foods that contain carbs and protein to help slow the glycemic response, providing enough energy for body activities.
2. Eat less protein
Throughout the day, your body goes through a process called protein metabolism. Basically, this process breaks down muscle tissue, so every day you have to replenish that lost protein. However, many people do not eat enough protein (which contains amino acids, the main 'food' for muscles) so they are unable to resist the breakdown of muscle tissue, resulting in muscle loss. Muscles work to burn more calories and fat in the body, so if you lose muscle, your metabolism is not optimal and fat is not burned will turn to accumulate and cause Easy weight gain

Solution: Each woman should get 45-50 grams of protein per day, of which 30 grams are from meals, the remaining 15-25 grams are from snacks.

Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

3. Eat less to lose weight
If you are cutting down on food intake to lose weight, it is likely that your metabolism will be affected as well.
Firstly, although your weight decreases, it causes strain on your muscles. Second, the activities of the organs in the body are being appropriately modified to combat hunger. At that time, your body may also feel more tired because you are trying to adapt to the new diet. And if you don't control your hunger, you will eat more, then your weight will not only increase again but your metabolism will also have to change.
Solution: Eating less to lose weight is also a good way but don't force yourself too. Even if you eat a small amount, you still have to provide enough nutrients for the body and avoid starving yourself.

Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

4. Drink soda water
Soda water contains many artificial sugars. Artificial sugar often stimulates endocrine reactions and affects the metabolism of sugar in the body. When you eat this artificial sweetener, your metabolism changes, receptors in the brain and intestines receive calories from sugar, and in response your body releases stored fat. storing insulin, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.
Solution: Carbonated drinks should be restricted, especially not consumed during meals to reduce their response to insulin levels in the body.
5. Do not wash food
Today, many foods use pesticides, which is very dangerous because the insecticide when ingested will break the inherent hormonal balance.

Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

The endocrine system controls metabolism. When chemicals from pesticides change hormones, it can increase appetite, stimulate fat cells and slow down the metabolism. The amount of pesticides when accumulated in the body is not dangerous to health.
Solution: Wash the food under running water before eating or it is best not to eat the whole skin.
6. Drink only fruit juice
If you only drink juice without adding any foods, you'll obviously lose weight quickly. But with weight loss at the moment is the lack of nutrients in the body, the insufficient amount of protein and calories entering the body will greatly affect muscle tissue.
And until a moment when your body is depleted of energy, you will eat more to regain strength and muscle.

Six Eating Habits That Are Harmful To Metabolism

This means that your metabolism is affected and disturbed by changes to fit your diet.
Solution: It is best to drink fruit juice while maintaining a diet of other foods.
See more: Discount 25% for gastrointestinal cancer screening.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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