Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache

Areca wine is an extremely well-known folk medicine used to treat tooth and gum diseases. Try looking back a little, eating betel nut is a cultural feature of Vietnam, the old people used to love chewing betel nut, because they chew often but their teeth are black but our teeth are extremely strong. Increasingly, the chewing betel nut culture is less popular, but the benefits of areca are still recited and continue to be exploited by soaking betel wine. Why is that so, let's find out more about areca tree!
Note: Areca wine is an effective folk medicine in curing dental and gum diseases. However, people absolutely do not soak areca wine to drink because it can cause poisoning, affecting health and even life itself

. In addition, when using betel nut to suck mouth for dental treatment should also be diluted because if used in large amounts, concentrated will cause poisoning.
Areca tree is grown a lot in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region, especially in the countryside. In our country, the purchase of areca is extremely easy due to the large number of planted, easy to fertilize and especially used in holidays, anniversaries, full moon, fourth day and New Year to burn incense
Areca tree has many special effects in medicinal use, from bark, roots to areca fruit.

Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache

It is known that the areca tree bark is used to treat bloating, indigestion, difficulties in urination, and the areca roots are used in erectile support. Areca flower has thermal properties, tonic heart, liver, kidney, stomach.
Back to areca wine, areca fruit has acrid, spicy, moistness, has been studied as containing many substances with bactericidal, pasteurizing properties, so it is also used in the treatment of helminths, making helminths cannot attach to the intestinal wall. Alcohol has a high alcohol content, has antiseptic properties. When combined with areca fruit will increase bactericidal properties, especially good in treating tooth decay, making teeth strong. The way to make it at home is very simple, just take a little time, you will have a jar of areca wine stored in the house, helping the whole family treat tooth decay, stomatitis, gingivitis, and firm teeth.
Areca nut alcohol is an effective folk medicine in curing dental and gum diseases
- Choose 20-25 fresh areca
- 1 liter of white wine (the factory's new rice wine should be chosen, because this alcohol has been deoxygenated)
How to: Use a knife to strip away the green skin of the areca nut
Continue to deprive the pulp to seeds, seeds bearing halves or slices.

Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache

Pour white pulp and areca nut into wine into a bottle, close the lid tightly, for about 1 month, the areca-nut water will turn yellow, bring it to use, the longer it is soaked, the better the quality. Can be soaked into many bottles, using each bottle gradually.
A little note, betel nut wine is very spicy, so if not used to the first mouthful, suck it a little, suck after brushing your teeth before going to bed or in the morning after waking up about 15 minutes, then spit. It is best not to rinse your mouth or eat immediately but let the aroma essence soak into the gums. Children should dilute betel nut and tell them not to swallow. Diligently used every day to prevent tooth decay and prevent gum disease.
Note when using areca wine to cure toothache
Areca wine has bactericidal effect to help teeth, healthy gums to treat tooth decay and gum disease. However, areca alcohol only inhibits bacteria, but does not completely kill the pathogenic bacteria, as soon as you stop using areca alcohol, the disease can come back anytime and there may be complications.

Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache

heavier, the risk of tooth loss is very high.
At the same time, there are other causes of toothache such as chipped teeth, eroded tooth enamel, inflammation of the pulp, wisdom teeth deviant - underground growth, curing toothache with ineffective areca wine.
Take dental measures for safe, quick and effective treatment. Only when the doctor intervenes, the cause of toothache can be eradicated completely, avoiding recurrent pain.
The Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology Hopital Hospital offers a wide range of dental treatment services
Odonto-Stomatology Department Hopital Hospital brings together a team of experienced dentists specialized in examination and treatment of dental-related diseases and dental aesthetic services. The services of the department can include:
- Treatment of caries, cleft neck, chipped teeth, acute - chronic myelitis, peri-pediatric inflammation, root cysts, gingivitis, root bleeding ...

Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache

- Taking tartar, polishing teeth, whitening teeth
- Dental fillings; fillings; Extractions of decayed teeth, wisdom teeth, milk teeth, excess teeth, erect teeth.
- Metal braces, porcelain braces, crystal braces, braces with inner face; braces without braces ...
- Aesthetic porcelain veneers, studded with stones - diamonds on teeth
- Implant ...
Coming to the teeth - jaw - face department of Hopital Hospital, customers will be completely satisfied and confident to own bright and healthy teeth, to confidently shine in the sun every day.

Cau Wine Cure Gingivitis, Bad Breath, Toothache


. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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