Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

There are many people who have mild diarrhea and do not take medicine but treat diarrhea with the fruits available in the house. Discover what those fruits are and how they work.
Diarrhea is a common disease, which can be caused by food or poor mental health. Taking medicine is the first solution that we often choose to cure.
However, the treatment of diarrhea with fruits only applies to common and mild diarrhea

. If diarrhea is related to a medical condition or severe diarrhea persists for many hours, you need to be examined and prescribed by a doctor for effective treatment.
Besides, you should also consider choosing the appropriate fruit. For example, people with diabetes should limit sweet fruits, people with stomach pain should not eat sour fruits

Sapodilla cure diarrhea
Unripe sapodilla fruit contains lots of tannin so very acrid.

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

When ripe tannin is converted almost completely should be juicy. The elderly, children, the weak and sick get up and eat well.
In addition to nutritional value, sapodilla also used as medicine. Green sapodilla fruit is a good cure for diarrhea because it contains a lot of tannin.
To treat diarrhea, people in many localities still take the sapodilla fruit green color to get good results drinking water (take 15 - 20g green sapodilla fruit with 200ml of water, the remaining half, divided into two drinks during the day).
Not only green fruit, but even the sapodilla stems contain a lot of tannin should also be used as a cure for diarrhea (6-10g).
Mangosteen cure diarrhea
Mangosteen not only produces juicy fruit, but the bark and mangosteen bark can also be used to treat diarrhea and dysentery very effectively

Mangosteen rind contains 7-13% tannin, resin and bitter mangostin with small yellow crystals, insoluble in water.

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

Plants also contain tannin. Mangosteen with acrid, firming; Has the effect of eliminating diarrhea and dysentery.
Fruit and mangosteen bark can also be used to treat diarrhea and dysentery very effectively.
To treat diarrhea and dysentery, use sharp color of mangosteen peels: Take about 10 peels into a clay pot, cover tightly with a banana leaf vessel. Then boil until the water is really dark, drink 3-4 cups daily.
You can also use bark to treat diarrhea. Take a handful of shells about 50g, cut into each circle, put in a clay pot with 2 cups of water, excellent as medicine, simmer for 15-30 minutes. Then let the water warm, extract the drinking water several times, each time about 1 cup small.

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

Every day decoction drink on that day, can add sugar to drink and quench thirst.
Pomegranate cure diarrhea
According to Oriental medicine, pomegranate peel is sour, acrid, moderate, has the effect of hunting intestines, holding diarrhea, except worms. The root bark has the effect of removing the flukes (pay attention to rinsing the skin). Pomegranate peel is sour, acrid, moderate, has the effect of hunting intestines, holding diarrhea.
Pomegranate peel is sour, acrid, moderate, has the effect of hunting intestines, holding diarrhea.
Treatment of diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, spermatozoa, cyanosis, bacillary dysentery: pomegranate peel 15 g, sharp 3 times, each time with a bowl of water, she has 250 ml left, divided into 3-4 drinks a day until I recovered.
Recently, scientists have shown that pomegranates contain very powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate juice, pomegranate seeds, pomegranate peel works to lower cholesterol, anti-aging, cure carotid artery stenosis (drink pomegranate juice continuously for 30 days with clear results).

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

Guava cure diarrhea
Green guava has a high content of tannin, which helps to treat acute diarrhea (used when normal causes constipation). Green guava can also detoxify three beans and other toxins that cause diarrhea.
The guava tree parts are folk remedies with good healing effects.
Guava :: Guava Doll 20 g stars; dried tangerine peel 10 g; Baked ginger 10 g. All chopped, sharp with 400 ml of water to 100 ml, drink 2 times a day. Or guava buds 20 g, lemongrass roots 16 g, galangal root 8 g. Finely chopped, pasted, sharp drink solid water.
Guava Leaves: Used very commonly to treat stomachache, diarrhea, especially in young children.

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

When using, take guava leaves 20 g in coordination with 20 g fruit pods, dry; fresh tea leaves 10 g; 2 slices fresh ginger. Sac drink.
According to the research of scientists, daily intake of ripe guava about 500 g will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure (especially the skin type guava and red intestines). .
Regular use daily, a quantity of ripe guava about 500 g will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Lychee cure diarrhea
Litchi is not only a delicious fruit but also used as a medicine for a number of diseases. Litchi contains lots of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, sweet and sour taste, calculated average, has the effect of nourishing blood, eliminating thirst. Litchi seeds are sweet, moderate, have a welding effect and treat diarrhea.

Cure Diarrhea With Fruits

Diarrhea in children: Take 4 - 8 gr of dried litchi seeds, spread fine powder for children to drink, or sharp with water for children to drink.
Apple cure diarrhea
Apples contain more pectin (the fiber found in fruits) than any other fruit. Pectin will be broken down in the intestine by good bacteria, forming a lining that protects the stomach, helps to soothe and prevent irritants.
This decomposition process also.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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