12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

Flu is a common disease at the time of season change and in subjects with less resistance such as children, pregnant women or the elderly. This disease is quite benign, usually resolving after 5-7 days. However, to alleviate the symptoms of the illness, you can do the following 12 things as soon as you have the flu.
Causes and symptoms of flu
The cause of the flu is Influenza virus. The disease spreads through the respiratory tract when talking directly, coughing, sneezing

... At this time, the flu virus will follow the epidemic and attach to nearby objects
If you speak directly to an infected person or touch objects that have been contaminated with the virus, you are at higher risk for catching the flu.

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

When you have the flu, you will have symptoms such as: High fever, sometimes up to 39-40 degrees Celsius, unstable body temperature, feeling chills, or chills, headache, tinnitus, fast face, dizziness, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, hoarseness ...
High fever, unstable body temperature, chills or chills, headache, sneezing, runny nose, cough, hoarseness, etc. are all symptoms of the flu.
12 things to do as soon as you have the flu to ease symptoms
Clean nose
The clean nose will help prevent the penetration of mucus deep inside the nose, making the disease worse.
How to do it: Place a finger on the nostril, gently press to seal the nostril and exhale sharply with the other nostril to blow the nose
Before and after blowing your nose should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid spreading the disease to people around.

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

Clean your throat with diluted salt water
Salt water is a highly disinfectant solution. Gargling with salt water will help alleviate sore throat pain and effectively fight inflammation. Persevering rinse 3-4 times / day with warm water diluted with pure salt will help you recover quickly.
Take a hot shower
The hot shower in the shower replenishes steam, moisturizes and clears the nose, making breathing easier. Absolutely do not take a cold shower because it will cause sudden drop in body temperature, making the condition worse.
The hot shower in the shower replenishes steam, moisturizes and clears the nose, making breathing easier
Drink plenty of hot water
Drinking plenty of hot water will help dissolve phlegm, reduce coughing, and soothe a sore throat. You can also add a few slices of ginger or mix honey with lemon with hot water to increase the effectiveness of treating the flu.
Use essential oils
Cajeput oil, peppermint .

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

.. work very well in the prevention and treatment of common colds. A small amount of essential oil applied to the area under the nose will help clear the nose and alleviate the pain in the nose. In addition, you can apply essential oils to the soles of your feet, temples or baths with warm water mixed with a few drops of essential oils to help prevent colds very effectively.
Apply hot or cold compresses
Applying hot or cold compresses around the congested sinus area can reduce discomfort in your nose. Hot compresses can reduce the pressure in your sinuses and make the mucus in your nose looser, and cold compresses constrict the blood vessels in your sinuses.
Rest and relax
Patients with the flu need to rest and relax in well-ventilated areas, away from wind, avoid temperatures too high or too low.

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

Do not let the patient stay in an air-conditioned room as this will make the symptoms of dry throat and hoarseness worse.
Take medicine to reduce fever
If your fever is higher than 38.5 degrees, you can take a fever-reducing medication prescribed by your doctor (such as paracetamol, incense, etc.) and take high doses of vitamin C. And for people with the flu who have a history of peptic ulcer - do not take aspirin, APC, vitamin C.
Sauce leaves
You can wear cool clothes, covered with blankets and fragrant leaves such as lemon leaves, grapefruit leaves, perilla leaves, marjoram, mint, citronella leaves, lemon basil, basil, camphor to clear the nose, solve. cold, toxic sweating out and create a sense of comfort, relaxation for the body of the patient.
Eat hot food.

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

People with the flu need to eat liquid, hot, easily digested food such as porridge, soup ... that will help
Porridge, soup ... is very good food when you have the flu
Use pillows when you sleep
When lying down, nasal congestion tends to be worse. Therefore, you should add pillows so that the head is placed higher in sleep, which will help breathe easier and more comfortable, ensuring a better sleep.

12 Things You Need To Do When You Have A Cold

Reasonable living and resting
When you have the flu, your body becomes tired and very tired. Therefore, put aside work and spend more time to rest. A reasonable rest regime will help the body create more energy.
A reasonable rest regime when the flu will help you recover quickly
Note: If you have a cold, you often have fever, but if the fever does not subside or returns to fever after 7 days, you should seek medical attention immediately because of possible bacterial infections and other unpredictable dangerous complications. .
Attention for people with the flu and caregivers of patients with the flu
For patients with the flu
- Need to be isolated from non-infected people living in the family, at least 5 days after the onset of symptoms, especially for those with weak resistance and susceptible to flu infections like the elderly, Children, who have unstable health.
- People with flu should limit.

. Dịch vụ: Thiết kế website, quảng cáo google, đăng ký website bộ công thương uy tín

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